
Lentil Puree with Cilantro and Lime

photographed by chanel dror As someone who is officially stuck in a snack rut (greek yogurt, anyone?), I was particularly excited about this office challenge. As soon as I came across this puree that seemed like a lighter version of an indulgent Mexican dip with tons of cilantro and lime, I knew I had to […]

Baked Thyme Zucchini Chips

photographed by chanel dror For me, an afternoon snack needs to be two things: crunchy and salty! I browsed Pinterest until I found my perfect healthy snack recipe to try — this one for rosemary and basil zucchini chips. I put my own twist on the recipe by using thyme instead of rosemary and basil, […]

Roasted Beet Tostadas with Avocado Crema, Goat Cheese & Pepitas

photos by Hannah Haston It’s hard to describe life in Austin without mentioning tacos. The two are basically inseparable, and since it’s not out-of-the-question that I might start a day with breakfast tacos and end it with fajitas, you could say that I’ve gotten pretty good at putting fresh twists on the classics so that […]

Indian Spiced Naan Pizzas

If it’s not obvious based on the recipes that I share here on Global Kitchen, I’m not super traditional when it comes to my Indian food. I grew up eating super traditional dishes that my mom and dad cooked, but now that I’m learning how to make all of their recipes on my own, I’m […]

Swirled Yogurt & Smoothie Bowl

photos by kristen kilpatrick Now that I’m eating breakfast more often, I’m faced with a new conundrum: how to make my morning meal healthy, quick, and most importantly, not boring. Since smoothies check all the boxes, I make one for brekkie most days of the week, but sometimes I just don’t want to drink my breakfast, ya […]

Rainbow Carrots with Yogurt & Pistachios

photography by Kristen Kilpatrick If there’s one menu item that’s a constant on our Easter table, it’s some type of roasted carrots. Not only are they on-theme (hello, bunny food!) but sweet spring carrots show off the bounty of the season and have so much natural flavor that they don’t even need to be messed […]

Anti-Inflammatory Berry + Turmeric Muffins

For many years, I focused on health and wellness in terms of achieving a certain look. I was convinced that if I looked a certain way, it would make me feel a certain way. Wellness was synonymous with appearance and, well, in the end it resulted in unhealthy habits and a lack of a holistic […]

Smoky Beet & Strawberry Salad with Gorgonzola

*photos by Ashleigh Amoroso The other day, I picked up a pint of strawberries at the grocery store, fully anticipating the bland, lackluster berries I’ve had to settle for all winter long. I brought them home, gave them a rinse, and was shocked to take a bite into a sweet-as-candy strawberry that made me realize: […]

Charred Caprese Eggplants

I almost feel like it’s cheating to do another “caprese” recipe, because let’s face it: ANYTHING you stuff with tomatoes, basil, and fresh mozzarella is going to be delicious. But when I made these charred eggplants the other night for dinner, they were so ridiculously easy (in addition to being delish) that I knew I […]

This Kale Sourdough Panzanella Will Be Your New Favorite Salad

My friend Walter makes the best bread I’ve ever tasted. He grows the yeast, mills the flour, and combines it all with salt and water to create a slow-fermented sourdough that truly doesn’t belong in the same category as the pre-sliced quick breads found in grocery stores. A loaf doesn’t last longer than a day […]

Have a Plant-Based Hanukkah With These Two Must-Try Recipes

featured image by Johnny Miller via Martha Stewart You guys have already heard me kvetch about the lack of beautifully designed judaica, which is why when I discovered Jewish Food Hero — specifically this beautiful letterpress calendar — I nearly did a backflip. A deeper dive into all that founder Kenden Alfond has created revealed […]

Turmeric Roasted Kabocha Squash Salad

If there’s one time of year where I, along with most other people, am overcome with the idea of “tradition,” it’s the holidays. I never stray from the classics at Thanksgiving dinner, sticking to buttery mashed potatoes with a side of green bean casserole and a perfectly rich pumpkin pie topped off with a dollop […]


I looove honey for its complex flavor and versatility – I add a spoonful to everything from my morning coffee to my favorite vegetarian chili. We use it daily at our house, so when the National Honey Board asked me to team up to create some ‘Golden Moments’ throughout the month of September for National Honey Month, I […]

Southwestern Superfood Salad

in partnership with Blue Diamond Almonds // photos by kristen kilpatrick You guys know I love a good salad almost as much as I love a good taco, and when the delicious flavors of those two combine, I’m basically in heaven. This recipe was born from one of those typical summer moments when I accidentally came home from […]

Summer Spaghetti with Tomatoes, Burrata, & Basil

If there’s one culinary lesson I learned from our trip to Tuscany, it’s that the simplest dishes are often the best. Of course, when you’re working with a tiny ingredient list, a recipe is only as good as the quality of those ingredients, so the time to make this spaghetti dinner is when tomatoes are practically […]

Purple Kale Salad with Wheat Berry and Roasted Squash

This is our spin on a recipe from vana masli estate in northern india. this heavenly retreat (that grows all of it’s own food on site!) opened our eyes to ayurveda, mindufullness, meditation and the traditional, spiritual practice of yoga. Click here to see more of Katie and Erin’s entertaining style.