
Yes, You Can Do Crow Pose — Here’s How

Crow pose is one of the foundational arm balances in a yoga practice. While it’s not necessary to float effortlessly into an arm-balance in order to have an effective yoga practice, the level of awareness, focus and equal parts strength and ease necessary to explore and practice these types of poses can most certainly benefit […]

Why Stand Up Paddle Board Yoga Is The Best Summer Workout

You can’t drive across the Congress Street bridge in Austin without seeing dozens of people on stand up paddle boards (or as we like to say around here, “SUP” boards.) At first glance, it doesn’t look like much of a work out. You’re… well, standing. And paddling. But one time trying SUP is enough to […]

5-Minute Footwork Drills This Boxer Swears By

In sport, footwork is essential to elevating performance by improving overall speed, and the ability to start, stop, and change directions quickly, leading to an advantage over an opponent. Mixing in footwork to your regular fitness routine is a great way to improve speed, coordination, stability, and cognitive abilities. Change things up, and add these […]

Prep for Your Cheeky Swimsuit with These 3 Moves

Swimsuit season comes early in Austin! To prepare, we’ve put together 3 moves that will lift, tone and strengthen your seat. In addition to looking swimsuit ready, strong glutes will improve your posture and athletic performance. Try incorporating these three moves into your weekly workout routine and you will be that much closer to your […]

10 Motivating Quotes for When You Don’t Feel Like Working Out

Raise your hand if “get in shape” (or something along those lines) is one of your new year’s resolutions. This year, after being completely inspired by Jenn’s health kick, I decided not to wait until January 1st to start kickstart my 2018 goals. My healthy routine over the last couple of months has consisted of […]

7 Yoga Poses That’ll Energize You

One of the many benefits of moving through your day in a more mindful, present way is the opportunity to observe and notice how you are feeling physically, energetically and mentally at any given moment.  I dare say all of us have experienced feeling drained and sluggish at one point or another.  I’ve created this […]