
Has Self-Promotion On Social Media Gone Too Far?

We each have our own bones to pick with social media. Whether a scroll through your feed leaves you feeling like you need to revamp your wardrobe, your career, or even your physical appearance, we can all agree that in today’s age of over-sharing, rising above social media’s negative effects is easier said than done. […]

Summer Date Night Ideas & Notes from the Weekend

Happy weekend, friends! This one’s already been full of swimming with friends and food on the grill – and this morning, Phoebe and I are hopping a flight to St. Louis to visit my brother and meet my other new baby niece, June! (If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that both my siblings had […]

The Best Cancer-Fighting Foods & Notes From the Weekend

Hey hey from beautiful Colorado! I’m here for a long weekend at the Food & Wine Classic in Aspen – hitting up chef demos, foodie parties, and balancing allll the eating and drinking with the most gorgeous hiking on the planet. Be sure you’re following along for lots of updates and exclusive behind-the-scenes fun with […]

A Wellness Guru Cleansed Our Studio

The moment I met Shiva Rose we immediately bonded on our floral namesake. “Sisters!” she said, with the genuine warmth and enthusiasm that defines her. Shiva lives and breathes the spiritual, earthy magic that she shares on her site, The Local Rose. This past April the wellness guru published her first book, Whole Beauty, which […]

How This Plus-Sized Model Found Food Freedom

I first met Danika Brysha on the Internet, one week into my first Whole30. She was doing a takeover of the Whole30 insta account, and she led with why the program works for her as a reset, then gave us a real glimpse into her super busy and layered world. In addition to being the founder/CEO of […]

I Went 36 Hours Without My Phone And Didn’t Die

We’ve probably all considered a digital detox at one point. But if you’re anything like me (or the rest of the CS team) the challenge is not if, it’s when. Aside from the rare vacation, it feels like there’s no good time to start a digital detox! So for this edition of the Wellness Report […]

This Super Fit #GirlBoss Is All The MidWeek Motivation You Need

When I sat down to think about May’s Living Kindly column, I knew I wanted to focus on someone that lights me up and inspires me with their tenacity and drive. Someone that can put their mind to anything and achieve it. And someone that lives their life with purpose, passion, and shows up wholeheartedly. […]

The One Email Hack That’s Helped Me Be More Present

We talk quite a bit around here about cleaning up our social media habits in order to be more present, healthy, and not fall prey to the rabbit hole of the endless scroll. But during a recent 48-hour “digital detox” (more on that soon), I realized how much of my mental energy is also consumed […]

What I’m Reading & Notes from Mother’s Day Weekend

Morning, friends! Hope y’all are having a wonderful weekend. Ours has been full of lazy hours by the pool with the kids, running errands around town, and sunset rosé with a few good friends. In other words, it’s feeling like summer, and I couldn’t be happier about it. This Mother’s Day is extra special in […]

Weekend Notes: Pinterest Updates & Japanese Wellness Secrets

featured photo via tigmi trading Morning friends! Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend. We had a fun night out with friends at new Italian spot Il Brutto on Austin’s eastside – it was one of those nights where the conversation and good wine flowed so freely that before we knew it, I was rushing home […]

A Gear Editor Reveals Her Favorite Fitness Must-Haves

Molly Ritterbeck and I met a few years back while riding bikes in the Texas Hill Country during a Rapha Cycling Ambassador training camp and immediately hit it off. I’d love to say we bonded because of our shared love of bikes, but it was her affinity for a good dry shampoo and nail art […]

Weekend Notes: Life-Changing Books & House Parties

photo by luisa brimble via design*sponge Hi friends, hope you’re having a great weekend! By the time you read this, I’ll have been completely unplugged from all devices for 36 hours, with another 12 to go. For our next Wellness Report, I’m taking one for the team and trying out a full-blown digital detox, and […]

Do You Have to Get Your Period Every Month?

featured photo via hedvig jenning Lauren Zielinski is a Certified Nurse-Midwife, and the founder of a grassroots women’s health movement called New Moon Rising Events. New Moon Rising works in cities across the US to hold free, day-long workshops that foster discussion about reproductive health, political advocacy, natural medicine options, and community connections. The age […]

Healthy Breakfast Ideas, The Instagram Algorithm, & Weekend Notes

featured photo via sf girl By the time y’all read this, I’ll be on a ranch in West Texas with friends (and lots of kids under the age of 5) not doing much besides watching the river go by and wondering if it’s too early to bust out the chocolate chip cookie bars. After this week, […]

How a Pro Athlete Really Eats to Stay in Shape

photo from sassy kitchen As a cyclist who used to ride 50-100 miles every weekend, I know first-hand that how you fuel on and off the bike is key to performance and recovery. However, in the past year, I’ve swapped those weekend rides for lots of travel, filled with important meetings, speaking opportunities, and shorter […]

Goat Yoga Is a Thing and We Tried It

Most yoga classes start with a call to center your focus within the four corners of your mat. To let go of anything off the mat that isn’t serving you, and to turn your attention inwards. It turns out, that proves to be difficult when there’s a baby goat nibbling on your hair, and another […]