More Energy, Better Sleep, Balanced Mood: A Spring Reset for Your Hormones
A nutritionist shares 6 ways to get in balance.
A nutritionist shares 6 ways to get in balance.
Science-backed ways to reignite desire.
Take back your day.
Brighter days ahead.
Here’s to radical honesty.
Clarity starts with a checklist.
Foster closeness with every word.
ed note: When we heard that our friend, Tara Miko, was headed to Tulum to dine at the once-in-a-lifetime Noma pop-up, we begged her to capture it all and report back. Here she shares the highlights, the food porn, and everything you need to know about traveling Tulum, even if a table at Noma’s not on your agenda. […]
Call it a quirk, but I love searching short term rental properties online. If you ask me, sites like HomeAway have been the best thing to happen to travel since the commercial flight. Why stay in a boring old franchised hotel chain when you can post up in an actual home? Even better, if you know how […]
Morning y’all, happy holiday weekend! We’ve already been soaking it up in a major way around here: yesterday was hiking and farmer’s market and rosé by the pool and trying out a new eggplant recipe on the grill (so good – can’t wait to share the recipe with you guys.) Can’t believe that my birthday […]
There’s a lot to be said about work culture today. More and more companies offer flex schedules, better parental leave, and value creative work. And perspectives have shifted, allowing us to switch jobs or industries in our pursuit of the “just right” fit. We also celebrate people who start their own companies—whether we call them […]
In a couple of months, we’ll be making the big move downtown to our newly renovated office bungalow. We can’t wait to have extra space to work on projects and endless storage for our ever-growing supply of props. But really, what we’re most excited about is being blocks away from some of our favorite lunch spots […]
Though the past year has been full of political and cultural uncertainty, for me, a major silver lining of it all is that it’s awoken so many women (myself included) to the fact that we’ve still got to fight for each other. For a lot of my life, I thought that “feminism” wasn’t all that necessary […]
Where brunch never ends.
Morning, y’all! We started the weekend early on Friday morning with Phoebe’s preschool graduation (still can’t believe it), then a celebration lunch with the kids and playing hooky in the pool all afternoon. Amazing how an extra day makes the weekend feel so long and luxurious, like a true opportunity to get rejuvenated for the […]
You’ve graduated, worked internships, maybe even freelanced. But how do you make the jump to actually start your career and find a job with zero experience under your belt? It’s a common issue – while you may have excelled at school, once you’ve dropped off the cap and gown, you’ve got a nearly blank resumé. But […]
Morning, friends! It’s a sunshine-y weekend here in Austin, and we’ve been filling it with hours in the pool, lots of giggles, breakfast tacos, and poké bowls. I couldn’t be more thankful to be spending this Mother’s Day with the little humans I love most, and they’ve been showering me with extra hugs (and a […]
We all have financial goals, but there’s one uniting factor preventing us from reaching them. Whether you want to retire near a beach, send three kids to college, or travel abroad for a year, high interest debt can throw a wrench in your plans. And paying it down is easier said than done. Today, I’m […]
Morning, friends! I still have a perma-smile plastered on my face after yesterday’s #GetHealthyGetTogether we hosted here in Austin. It was pretty unbelievable to see that many women working out and connecting with each other, and scrolling through the hashtag this morning left me speechless – and so thankful for the amazing community we get to […]
Most people think about detoxes and resolutions on January 1st, but the real winners in life are the ones that think about setting and achieving goals year-round. And since summer is on the horizon and we’re already half way through 2017 (yikes!), my team and I at Career Contessa decided that May was a great […]
Morning, friends! I’m feeling pretty amazing this morning after nailing my first night of solid sleep in a few weeks; between lots of travel, late-night events, and Henry suddenly deciding to revert to multiple nightly wake-ups, good sleep has been elusive lately. But last night we went to bed early, and the stars aligned for a […]