
Can You Change Your Mood Set Point?

One of the sneakiest things about bad moods is that we often don’t recognize when we’re in one. Instead, we start drawing dangerous conclusions: I’m just unlucky. Things are never going to work out for me. Everything’s wrong. These dark thoughts are powerful, and can have real consequences in our lives. If you find yourself […]

Tips for Meeting the Right Guy Online

Can love, real love, be found as the result of a swipe? It’s the question that so many of my single friends and I have been discussing as more of them embrace the world of online dating. Love ’em or hate ’em, dating apps are an integral part of love in the modern world, and since […]

This Is The Real Reason for Millennial Burnout

image via mikutas Handshakes, Facebook friend requests, LinkedIn invitations, book clubs, office happy hours, sweat working (?!), Instagram likes, conferences, workshops, webinars… Last month, I found myself dreading attending yet another holiday party with a friend. I’d spent the season saying “yes” to everything from mixers to outings with coworkers to multiple happy hours in […]

6 Ways to Be More Persuasive

A few weeks ago, Kelly brought up the importance of asking for what you want. While she totally inspired us to step up and speak our minds, she also got us wondering: Are there any tricks to effectively winning over your audience to ensure that in addition to asking for what you want, you actually get it? I […]

5 Apps to Help you Manage your Money in 2017

Editor’s Note: Today’s post is authored by Erica Holland. In addition to her full-time role at a private equity firm, Erica runs a personal finance and lifestyle blog, ModMoney, where she simplifies personal finance in a relatable way, and dives into important “real world” topics seldom taught in school. From Erica: There’s something about the start of a new […]

Weekend Notes

photo from local milk By the time you read this, I’ll be capping off a long weekend in NOLA celebrating a dear friend’s birthday with beignets, jazz, and sazeracs. I haven’t been to the Big Easy since I was a kid, so I’m really looking forward to a couple days of poking around the neighborhoods and […]

8 Books That’ll Help You Stick to Your Resolution

photo from hudson interior designs If you are a New Year’s resolution maker, then we at Career Contessa think it’s a safe bet to guess that something about reading more crept onto your list this year. Technology is amazing and we love having an infinite amount of resources at our fingertips, but sometimes your eyes and thumbs (texting […]

Weekend Notes

*photo: chia, acai & strawberry breakfast jar from the awesome green Morning, friends! It’s been an inspiring weekend to see more than a million women across the country march in solidarity. As someone who believes that good will ultimately prevail, yesterday’s events made me realize one excellent result that’s come from the upheaval of the recent election: it’s […]

10 Foreign Films You Need to Watch Now

image: kira noble for bird is the word I owe most of my foreign film viewing to my boyfriend, who’s a certified cinephile. These days we’re on a steady diet of new foreign flicks thanks to Netflix and great local cinemas like The Violet Crown and Alamo Drafthouse. Why are we so hooked? Because we’ve found […]

The Secret to Asking For What You Want

Last April I made a big career decision. After 12 years of working in PR as an entertainment publicist, I hung up my hat and left. But making that decision wasn’t easy. You see, being a publicist was a formative experience for me both personally and professionally. I met some of the most amazing people, […]

Dinner at Eden Grinshpan’s Was As Amazing As We Thought It Would Be

The moment you step inside the Williamsburg home of Eden Grinsphan and Ido Nivron, your taste buds light up. The aroma of warming spices fills the air and suddenly, all you can think about is getting your hands on whatever is in that oven. The foodie is cooking up something special, and today — just a few […]

Weekend Notes

Morning, y’all! We’re in recovery mode over here after hosting a 70th birthday party for my father-in-law at our house last night that last until the wee hours. Anyone else feel like it’s gonna be a coffee on repeat kind of day? Thankfully I rounded up some great reads from around the web earlier this week […]