
How to Turn Your Anxiety Into Success

Anxiety seems to be a natural part of today’s 9-5. We frantically answer emails all day long, avoid ever saying “no” because of some crazy fear that we might miss out on the next big thing, and then, of course, there’s our obsession with needing to know exactly what’s next. What’s my next career move? […]

Weekend Notes

Happy weekend, friends! What have y’all been up to? Today’s agenda consists of pool time, catching up with old family friends, perfecting my huevos rancheros recipe, and doing a little Pinterest research for a new design project I’m working on (stay tuned.) The work weeks have been so busy lately, I’ve been making a major […]

July 2016

You guys might have noticed that we took a hiatus from our monthly On My Nightstand series because, well, I took a bit of a hiatus from books in general! After Henry was born, life got really busy and our routine was shaken up, and in such times I tend to fill any little breaks in my schedule […]

Weekend Notes

Happy holiday weekend, y’all! Hope yours involves a body of water and either hot dogs, barbecue, or a lobster roll, depending on where you are and your proclivities. For our annual Fourth of July bash tomorrow, Adam’s making his “smash” sliders on the grill (his own technique that involves a cast iron skillet and a spatula), […]

The Pottery All the Coolest Restaurants Are Using

Chances are, if you’ve dined at Austin hotspots Qui, Uchi, or Emmer & Rye, you’ve already met Keith Kreeger. As a firm believer that thoughtfully made objects and delicious food go hand in hand, Keith is the ceramicist behind the handmade dishware and serving pieces in over two dozen restaurants across the country. His minimalist style and work with soft matte […]

Instagram Stars Share Their Secrets to An Amazing Feed

Some people seem to have the magic touch when it comes to Instagram: whatever they post is met with likes galore, and they make creating and curating their feed look effortless and fun. The secret, however, is that a huge amount of hard work and strategy is behind the most successful accounts, and we live in […]

Weekend Notes

Happy weekend, friends! About this time in June every year, I always look at the calendar and realize that July is almost upon us — and that if I don’t start squeezing every last bit of fun out of these summer days, the season will be gone before I know it! That’s pretty much summed up this […]

Snapshots from Food & Wine Classic in Aspen

Last weekend we went to Aspen for the Food & Wine Classic, and though I say it every year (this was my third at the Classic), 2016 was the most fun ever. From the welcome party (I hugged Jacques Pépin!) to the inspiring demos (Marcus Samuelsson was my fave) almost every day held bucket list moments, […]

9 Habits That Will Make You Smarter

“Motivation is what gets you started, but habits are what keep you going.” My mother hit me with this pointer on the phone last week during our regular call on my commute to work, proving yet again that moms really do know best. That catchphrase stuck with me throughout my day, leading me to consider […]

6 Ways To Push Yourself During a Workout

Ever reach that point mid-workout where you truly feel like you’re hitting a wall and cannot go on? It happens to me all the time – mostly on my road bike. I’ll wake up, get dressed, have my coffee, grab a bite to eat, and walk out the door with confidence and excitement to crush […]

Weekend Notes

Morning, y’all! It’s a gorgeous weekend around here — Austin is in its full summer glory and we’re soaking it up in the pool with nowhere we need to be and no idea what time it is. For me, the freedom of not being on a schedule is the best part of the weekend — conversations can linger […]