
How To Help A Depressed Friend

We’ve all experienced it. We’re going about our business– going to work or school, and then one day we wake up and just don’t quite feel right. Maybe nothing has triggered it, but maybe it’s a bad break-up, a job you’re unhappy in, or just the hard transitions of every day life. For some of […]

Kelly & Samson + Ellie

Up next in our Fox & Hound series is Kelly DeWitt. You likely know her as the mastermind woodworker behind KKDW, or the genius behind this fun summer DIY, but to Ellie and Samson, she’s just Mom. Keep reading for a glimpse into Kelly’s life with her two hilarious fur babies… Your name: Kelly DeWitt, owner […]

Weekend Notes

Can’t believe that August is here! This has been one of those weekends that makes me wish summer would last forever. Patio brunching with friends, swimming for hours, grilling dinner at dusk with a glass of rosé in hand… It’s definitely my favorite time of year. Although I have to admit that I did spend […]

How to Work a Room When You Don’t Know a Soul

Whether you’re newly single and ready to mingle or traveling for work to a far away conference, there’s nothing more unsettling than finding yourself in a room full of strangers. And if you have any bit of social anxiety, the thought of all those unfamiliar faces could be enough to deter you from attending an event altogether… and what do you have to gain […]

Do You Have Instagram-xiety?

From the day I posted my first image of two air-brushed cowgirls on a truck tailgate, I’ve been hooked on instagram. I love the platform for it’s simplicity, hunt-ability, and intimate quality. For me, it’s primarily a vehicle of discovery. It’s where I found the Hotel Costes, the killer style of a lady named Sydney […]

Weekend Notes

I have to admit that I’d been feeling a little “off” this week — just kind of down-in-the-dumps for no other reason than possibly hormones and tiredness. Yesterday I decided that I refused to waste a gorgeous summer Saturday by being in a bad mood, so I put my to-do list on hold and spent the day splashing […]

Are You a Cryer?

I’m Chanel, and I’m a crybaby. I know what you’re thinking — I haven’t heard that word used since elementary school — but there’s no other way to describe it. I’m moved to tears over the news, movies, songs, commercials, on my yoga mat, at graduations, weddings, births, deaths, you name it… I’m the girl sniffling obnoxiously in your ear […]

3 Mantras to Get You Through Anything

I’ve met a lot of really cool, successful and interesting people, especially while on this journey and I always have the same question for them: what inspires you? More times than not, it’s either a person (family member, group of people) or a mantra they think about often to keep them going. Me personally? I’m […]

5 Ways Technology Can Make You Fitter

It’s here! the much-hyped Apple Watch finally landed on my front porch 3 weeks ago, and I’ve been (mostly) wearing it ever since. It’s really my first foray into wearable technology; Adam gifted me a Fitbit for Christmas a couple years ago, and I must not have really understood the strap mechanism since it fell […]

Weekend Notes

Happy weekend, darlings! Hope yours has gotten off to a great start. I’ve taken a couple weeks off from posting our usual Weekend Notes, since frankly, time has been a precious commodity since Henry was born, and also, I’ve been making a conscious effort to set a slower pace during these summer weekends and not try to do […]

Kate & Winnie

Confession: We’re a bit dog-crazy around the office. Even though I’m the only dog owner among us, that doesn’t keep everyone from spending half the work day talking about breeds we love, sharing must-follow dog Instagram accounts (have you met Piggy & Polly?), and googling puppy photos. So in an effort to open up the conversation to you guys, […]