
Wes Anderson’s Graphic Designer

Undeniably, no filmmaker has been more influential over an entire generation of bloggers, ad geeks, and instagrammers than Wes Anderson. From our overhead shots of supplies to our love of Futura, his influence runs deep. And just when we think we’ve got him pegged for tracked out sans serif, he’ll drop a caution yellow script […]

My Maternity Staples

As any of you who have been there can attest, dressing a growing bump can be a challenge. I thought I’d have it mastered by the second time around, but since I “popped” a lot faster with bébé #2, I’ve had to be more mindful of dressing my ever-changing bod practically since my first trimester. Every mom-to-be […]

Weekend Notes

Happy weekend, darlings! Hope it’s been treating you all well so far. It’s been rainy and grey here in Austin, but today the forecast is calling for sunny skies, so we’re headed out for a walk downtown to pickup farmers’ market goodies for dinner tonight. I’ve been doing tons of organizing (nesting, perhaps?) this weekend, cleaning […]

My Favorite Austin Beauty Spots

If you haven’t noticed by my constant gushing, I LOVE living in Austin. It’s such a unique mash-up of funky beloved “institutions” that have been around for ages and hip of-the-moment spots that are opening faster than I can keep up with them… and the beauty scene is certainly no exception. I obviously have my little […]

Staying Healthy When Life Gets Busy

Confession time: I crave structure and a good game plan almost as much as I crave a black and gold Chanel 2.55. Or rosewater waffles from my favorite NYC haunt. Though I try hard to leave room for those beautiful moments of serendipity, I tend to do really well in all facets of life when I […]

How to Design a Kids’ Gallery Wall (& an art giveaway!)

*update: this giveaway is now closed. Thanks to everyone who entered, and be sure to hop on over to Minted to check out their great assortment of art! Phoebe’s artistic talents are at a bit of an “awkward age”: while I want to display all the paintings and projects she brings home from preschool, at age […]

6 Recipes for Beautiful Skin

Whether you’ve been struggling with skin problems for years, or are just trying to get a leg up on aging, there’s no doubt that most of us spend more time (and money!) on our skincare regimens than we care to admit. After my own decade-and-a-half long battle, my complexion finally mellowed out — and the answer wasn’t sitting […]

An Honest Giveaway + thoughts on nursing

So far, this pregnancy has been easier and much less fraught-with-nerves than my first go-round. There’s no doubt that actually having a baby is the best crash-course in all things parenting, and nowhere is this more true than with feeding a baby, which for many women can be wonderful, frustrating, and sometimes even a source of guilt or anxiety. […]

Weekend Notes

Happy weekend, friends! What’s on all of your agendas? Today’s post is predictably up a little later due to day light savings — which I, for one, am actually really excited about since it means an extra hour of light in the evenings, and a hint at the end of the long dark days of […]

How to Be Bold With Color

It’s one thing to experiment with wearing “the color of the season” when it comes to wardrobe decisions… but dressing our homes with color undoubtedly requires a more long-term commitment strategy. To help guide us on making bold color decisions in our living spaces, we consulted Austin-based interior designer Meredith Ellis for expert tips on how to tastefully incorporate color into […]

Weekend Notes

This weekend I’m in freezing New York City with my mom celebrating her 60th birthday. It’s really awesome to be here together — my mom’s first trip to NYC! — going to museums, Broadway, eating so much amazing food, and savoring this all-too-rare time with just the two of us. Hope you’re all having a lovely […]

8 Ways to Worry Less

The more conversations I have with my girlfriends, the more I realize: women are natural worriers. We worry about little things (I woke up at 2am last night with my mind racing about the wood floors we’re getting installed!) and the big things (families, health, job security… the list goes on.) However unpleasant it might […]