
Fall Quesadillas with Apple, Radicchio & Pomegranate

By Camille Styles
Fall Quesadillas with Apple, Raddichio, & Pomegranate

Fall Quesadillas with Apple, Raddichio, & Pomegranate

It always happens around September 1st, just like clockwork: I’m relishing the warm weather and wishing that summer would never end, when BAM! I feel a cool breeze and leaf through the September issues of all my mags, and suddenly I’m as obsessed with fall as this guy.

Fall Quesadillas with Apple, Raddichio, & Pomegranate

Without a doubt, my favorite thing about this season is the gorgeous produce that’s in season and the cozy way of cooking that suddenly feels so right. A pot of soup simmering on the stove, roast chicken with loads of root veggies, seasoning everything with heartier herbs like rosemary and sage and thyme. And of course, give me all the winter squash at the market and I’m the happiest girl alive.

Fall Quesadillas with Apple, Raddichio, & Pomegranate

Quesadillas are one of those things that I make a lot when I don’t know what to make for dinner; everyone loves them, and they’re perfect accompanying a simple salad or to dip into a bowl of soup. It almost seems silly to make a recipe for them since I tend to experiment by throwing in whatever ingredients sound good and happen to be in my fridge, but this unexpected combination was too good not to share, and will definitely be on repeat at our house this fall.

Fall Quesadillas with Apple, Raddichio, & Pomegranate

When I tested these, I wasn’t sure if I’d need to sauté the apple and radicchio first to soften them, but turns out that they cook just enough between the tortillas to bring out their sweetness without getting mushy. Bonus points for making this recipe incredibly quick and easy. Ooooh, also: try to find a pomegranate for this, because the seeds really make these quesadillas feel special and look beautiful. (Food stylist’s trick: everything looks better with pomegranate seeds on top.)

Fall Quesadillas with Apple, Raddichio, & Pomegranate

Let me know if you give these a try and add any other ingredients — I want to try them with bacon next! And happy fall cooking to you all. xo

*photos: Laura Alexandra

Fall Quesadillas with Apple, Radicchio, and Pomegranate Seeds

Serves 2

Fall Quesadillas with Apple, Radicchio & Pomegranate

By Camille Styles


  • 1 sweet apple, cored and thinly sliced
  • 1/2 head raddichio, cored and thinly sliced
  • 1/2 cup white cheddar, shredded
  • 4 small corn or flour tortillas
  • 1/4 cup pomegranate seeds, plus more for garnish
  • 1/4 cup sunflower seeds, plus more for garnish
  • 1/4 cup chopped cilantro, plus more for garnish

for chipotle crema:

  • 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
  • 2 teaspoons adobo sauce (from a can of chipotles)
  • juice of 1 lime
  • pinch of salt


  1. Top 2 of the tortillas with apple slices, raddichio, cheddar, pomegranate seeds, sunflower seeds, and cilantro. Place remaining 2 tortillas on top.
  2. Heat a sauté pan or grill pan over medium high, then spray with a bit of olive oil and place the quesadillas on the pan. Use a spatula to press it all together. When the first side is toasty and the cheese is melting, use a spatula to flip to the other side and cook until toasty.
  3. Meanwhile, make the chipotle crema: whisk together yogurt with adobo sauce, lime juice and a pinch of salt.
  4. Transfer quesadillas to a cutting board, cut into wedges, top each wedge with a dollop of chipotle crema, plus more pomegranate seeds, sunflower seeds, and cilantro, and eat!

Comments (4)

  1. Vanessa @ Living in Steil says:

    I make quesadillas a lot, too. They’re so easy and very satisfying. I’m definitely going to try out this recipe for fall.


  2. Hannie Arden Blaise says:

    This looks so good, I can’t! *heart eyes*

  3. Ila says:

    It’s radicchio, not raddichio.

    1. Camille Styles says:

      Thanks Ila, that one always trips me up! Just updated. 🙂

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