
“Kitchen Sink” Halloween Chocolate Bark

By Camille Styles
"kitchen sink" halloween chocolate bark

I’m a little mystified as to why I haven’t experimented with chocolate bark before, because (a) it is ridiculously easy and so delicious, and (b) I’m not sure that I’ve ever had so much fun making a dessert! You can get real creative with throwing in all kinds of toppings (like I did here), marbling different colors of chocolate together (did that too), and it’s simple enough to let kids get a little messy and help make it, too. Oh, and did I mention that it also requires taking a metal spoon and hitting the bark as hard as you can to break it up? This recipe is officially a new Halloween tradition around here.

I dubbed this one “Kitchen Sink” chocolate bark because I took the various pre-Halloween candy (and other random snacks) we had in the pantry and threw them all in.

Keeping the different toppings divided up means that everyone in the house can choose their favorite toppings: I go straight for the chocolate + almonds, while Phoebe obviously reaches for the gummy worms. Sort of like everyone getting their own candy bar.

This was the perfect dessert for our all-black Halloween tabletop that we cannot wait to share tomorrow, so stay tuned! And I’d love to hear if y’all have made chocolate bark in the past, and if so, what did you put in yours?

*photos by kate lesueur

"Kitchen Sink" Halloween Chocolate Bark

Serves 8

"Kitchen Sink" Halloween Chocolate Bark

By Camille Styles


  • 8 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped
  • 8 ounces white chocolate, chopped
  • 3 - 4 cups candy, nuts, seeds, cranberries -- the sky's the limit, so feel free to go a little crazy!


  1. Melt each of the chocolates individually in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water.
  2. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper, then pour the semisweet chocolate over one side of the paper, and the white chocolate over the other side of the paper, keeping them separate and just touching where they meet in the middle.
  3. Use a knife or a spatula to lightly swirl and marble the chocolates together in the middle, then sprinkle the toppings over the chocolate in whatever design you like.
  4. Chill until firm, 1 - 2 hours. Use a metal spoon or other heavy object to break it up into shards, then eat up!

Comments (7)

  1. Vanessa @ Living in Steil says:

    What a great idea! I’ll be making this treat, for sure.

  2. peppermintdolly says:

    “Kitchen sink” is an excellent name! Looks super 🙂


  3. Anne says:

    LOL!! You crack me up. Definitely good at the human making thing. hehe! I hear ya on early bedtimes though. Although sadly, this summer, I feel like my kids tuck me in at night…guess that’s the joy of older children. But this bark, oh my. We would all enjoy it!

  4. Blush & Pearls says:

    This bark wouldn’t last too long with me. It looks amazing! What a great halloween treat and simple to boot.

    Angela /

  5. Annabelle says:

    This looks SO good!! Such a lovely Halloween treat!

    x Annabelle

  6. Leslie says:

    What are the multi-colored little bits in the bottom right-hand corner?

  7. Rajni says:

    awesome treat it was.

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