A Delicious Orange, Cranberry Chutney Recipe for Your Thanksgiving Table
A zesty twist on a classic.
A zesty twist on a classic.
photography by Molly Winters; featured image from Artful Desperado Editor’s Note: If you’ve been to Picnik, or even just heard of it, you’re aware that Naomi Seifter and her team are doing something special. Known for their real food and good vibes, the restaurant is the only place in Austin where you can grab bone broth or […]
Not sure if you’ve noticed, but today marks the one month countdown to Thanksgiving! And I’ve got to admit that I’ve suddenly been bit by the holiday party bug, planning menus for our family gatherings and a couple dinner parties I’ll be hosting this season. Can’t imagine more perfect timing for Darcy Miller’s insanely gorgeous […]
Whether they’re lined up in a patch, decorating the front porch or making their way into your recipes, nothing announces the arrival of fall quite like pumpkins, and chances are, they’re finding their way into your celebrations one way or another this season. If pumpkins have historically been relegated to your pie recipes and PSL orders, this […]
There are two types of breakfast eaters: creatures of habit who can eat the same thing day after day, and those who get bored with routine and like to mix things up in the morning. I’m admittedly in the first camp: I go through phases where I relish eating the exact same dish day in […]
I’ll admit, I can be a little picky and hesitant about trying new foods. My biggest hurdle came along with trying tofu for the first time, but I’m so glad I did and now can’t imagine my diet without it. Tofu excels in absorbing the flavors it’s cooked with, so with the right recipe and ingredients it’ll […]
Not sure why it took me so long to hop on the overnight oats bandwagon, but now that I’ve discovered their brilliance, I’m fully hooked. For the uninitiated, making overnight oats requires little more than stirring together a few ingredients then letting them sit in the fridge overnight, and when you wake up in the morning, […]
There’s nothing that channels those summery vibes quite like biting into a fresh watermelon wedge (I take mine with salt) and feeling the juice stream down your sun-kissed arms. Since I’m starting to see a few really ripe ones pop up at the grocery here, I’ve been plotting all the different ways I’m planning to use […]
True Food Kitchen is undoubtedly one of the hottest lunch spots in Austin right now. Thanks to the light and airy space and the menu full of delicious items that you can’t believe are that healthy for you (they are), it seems that every other lunch meeting I schedule inevitably ends up there. Dr. Weil is the man behind the […]
People tend to have strong feelings about their guacamole: there are the purists who demand little more than avocado, lime, onion, and cilantro… and then there are the creative versions with roasted corn, black beans — I’ve even tried a couple guacs topped with crab meat. Let’s be honest, I’d happily eat any of them, but I […]
Blame it on AM puffy eyes, trying to squeeze too many activities into my morning routine, or pushing the limits of my snooze button, but making a healthy breakfast isn’t usually high on my list of priorities in the morning. In the attempt to be kinder to myself (and start following years of my mom’s advice) I’ve started […]
It’s time to face the facts, people: summer is drawing to a close, and with it, those perfectly carefree weekends spent grilling and staying cool in a body of water. The happier news? We have one last blast for Labor Day next weekend, and (of course) I’m already planning our menu to celebrate. Since nothing feels […]