
My Favorite Podcaster and Notes from the Weekend

Your reading list awaits.

By Camille Styles
candied flower shortbread cookies at loria stern dinner party

Adam and I had a late night out on Friday for a friend’s birthday party, which means the rest of the weekend has been blissfully unscheduled. Yesterday I made a big batch of homemade pizza dough (see my Stories for what I did with it), played many games of four-square with the kids (yep, bringing back my middle school favorite), then Adam got caught up on the latest episode of The Outsider (if you haven’t seen it yet, it’s about to be your new favorite show.)

Lately I’ve been finding so much joy in setting aside the weekend for true play and rest. Instead of filling every spare second with answering emails or scrolling my socials or getting housework done, I’ve been actually allowing myself to kick my feet up and do nothing that’s productive. And gosh is it refreshing.

I shared more about this idea in my post last week titled How Not to Let Instagram Ruin Your Life, and apparently a lot of y’all feel the same. I received so many emails, DM’s, and comments on the post, and I loved hearing all of your insights and personal journeys around this topic. I especially loved Shannan’s response and wanted to share it here:

I created guidelines for myself, and they have totally been a game changer for me. For one, I only check Facebook notifications, and I have a no-scrolling policy. On Instagram, I follow a lot of cats/dogs, food and interior design sites. I scroll for no more than two minutes at a time and at this point, I open it only a few times a week. I am 100% more engaged, present, I’ve noticed a huge decrease in my anxiety.

Love this intentionality. Hope you guys have a wonderful Sunday, and enjoy some great reads from around the web this week. xo, C

fruit and flower still life at loria stern dinner party

Mornings with the woman who inspires me each week on my favorite podcast.

If you don’t have a fireplace, here’s the next best thing.

Women in their 60’s on the secret to living your best life.

If you’re also confused by the plethora of non-surgical body treatments you’ve been hearing about…

All your questions about infertility, answered.

Making these one-bowl healthier peanut butter cookies today – will report back.

Easy ways to make your home feel like a mini vacation.

*and a few fun things you may have missed!

Cute ways to celebrate Valentine’s with kids (the countdown is on!)

And here’s what I’m making for mine and Adam’s V-day date night at home.

Have they goop’d too far?

Find your passion with this simple change in perspective.