Articles from Suruchi

Indian Spiced Naan Pizzas

If it’s not obvious based on the recipes that I share here on Global Kitchen, I’m not super traditional when it comes to my Indian food. I grew up eating super traditional dishes that my mom and dad cooked, but now that I’m learning how to make all of their recipes on my own, I’m […]

Turmeric Roasted Kabocha Squash Salad

If there’s one time of year where I, along with most other people, am overcome with the idea of “tradition,” it’s the holidays. I never stray from the classics at Thanksgiving dinner, sticking to buttery mashed potatoes with a side of green bean casserole and a perfectly rich pumpkin pie topped off with a dollop […]

Pumpkin Channa Masala

We’re deep into pumpkin season and I think we can all admit that as cliché as the flavor can be this time of year, we still love it. There’s just something so perfect about opening up a can of that bright orange fruit to bake up a good ‘ole pumpkin pie, cake, or bread that makes […]

Quinoa Breakfast Bowl With Saffron-Poached Peaches

This might come as a shock, but I loathe oatmeal. I know, I know: it’s staple breakfast and a great way to get some whole grains into your diet, but there’s just something about the goopy texture and flavor that I can’t get over. I’ve even given overnight oats a try and still no success in jumping on […]

Minty Green Kombucha Smash Mocktail

*ed. note: Today we’re thrilled to welcome our much-loved former intern and current blogger over at This Brown Kitchen, Suruchi Avasthi, to share the ridiculously delish green drink she whipped up for our Month of Mocktails series. Take it away, S! How are your New Year resolutions going? Like many of you, one of my […]

These Cocktails are as Good as Going on Vacation

I’m all for a tropical getaway, but with the longest to-do list I’ve ever had and a major move on the horizon, my dream vacation is going to have to wait awhile. Until then, I’m living vicariously through friends’ vacation selfies while sipping on one of these tropical cocktails…because nothing screams “vacation” better than a salt-rimmed glass or […]

Kale and Cannellini Bean Crostini

I don’t know about you, but I’m an appetizer gal. Ordering appetizers at a restaurant isn’t an option, it’s mandatory, and having some kind of crudités or cheese plate out at a party is a must. Call it an excuse to bring out my favorite serving trays or just another way to sample as many tasty bites […]

7 Things Holding You Back from Your Happiest Self

When the final assignment in a class is to have groups of students perform random acts of kindness, you know there’s something special going on. Dr. Raj Raghunathan is a marketing professor at The University of Texas at Austin where he has spent much of his time researching the topic of happiness. While many business classes […]

DIY Citrus Wreath

There’s always a steady stream of books arriving at the office for review, and I’m definitely not complaining. Occasionally, one really stands out from the rest, like Ariella Chezar’s new book The Flower Workshop that arrived on our doorstep a couple weeks ago. We asked Ariella to stop by with the details on what turned out to be our favorite project […]

10 Secrets of Stylish Hosts

When our brilliant friends from Margot Blair Floral and Mint & Maple joined forces to host a workshop on the Art of Hosting, we begged them to share their secrets here on the blog, too — these are the pros, y’all. Even the best of us can get stressed at the thought of hosting a dinner party, so any inspiration for making […]

Bridal Shower Brunch Menu

Spring is upon us and just in time for the arrival of tulips and daffodils comes the season of bridal showers, baby showers, and all kinds of other girly get-togethers. Since it’s a busy time of year, we’re believers in throwing a special soirée that’s also stress-free and keeps the focus on coming together to celebrate the […]

10 Best Healthy Muffin Recipes

Blame it on AM puffy eyes, trying to squeeze too many activities into my morning routine, or pushing the limits of my snooze button, but making a healthy breakfast isn’t usually high on my list of priorities in the morning. In the attempt to be kinder to myself (and start following years of my mom’s advice) I’ve started […]

Irish Kale Caesar Salad

Read the full story: Entertaining with Natasha Lawler *photography by Andrea Hubbell; adapted from this recipe from bon appétit

Irish Soda Bread

Read the full story: Entertaining with Natasha Lawler *photography by Andrea Hubbell

Rose Macarons

Don’t miss the full story: How to Make Macarons at Elizabeth Street Café *photos by Buff Strickland

How to Make Macarons at Elizabeth Street Cafe

Anytime out-of-town friends come to Austin, one of the first places I take them is Elizabeth Street Cafe. I know I can’t go wrong with what is arguably the cutest café in town (I mean, have you seen the bright pink and turquoise exterior?!) and treating them to the fresh mango and cucumber salad or a warm bowl of bún accompanied […]