Articles from Camille

Weekend Notes

Happy weekend, y’all! Hope it’s been a good one so far. I’ve been reading this book that a friend gave me, called Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living. I knew before I even opened it that it was exactly what my life is needing right now. Like so […]

2 Delicious Ways to Put a Twist on Hummus

It was 80 degrees in Austin last weekend, and I threw on a bikini and jumped in the pool. Nevermind that it’s the middle of February; that one hot day was all it took to send me into total countdown-to-summer mode. Over the past few days, I’ve ordered a new swimsuit, sipped a margarita, and […]

Weekend Notes

Morning, friends! This weekend has so far been my absolute favorite kind: tons of sunshine, brunch with my sister, reading new books, making dinner on the grill, and yes — we actually spent a few hours in the pool yesterday (in February!) Crazy, I know. Work has felt incredibly busy lately between a really full shooting […]

Easy Chicken Paillard, Two Ways

I’m sure many of y’all have heard of the cheekily-named “Engagement Roast Chicken” that’s reported to be so good, any man will fall in love on the spot. All due respect to Ina, but I’ve got my own chicken recipe that’s equally simple to make and, thanks to it’s crispy exterior and gorgeous presentation, even more effective at convincing […]

Weekend Notes

Good morning, friends! What are y’all up to this weekend? I got home from LA on Thursday night, so it’s been *heaven* to mostly stay home, hang with the fam, and soak up this unseasonably sunny weather we’re experiencing in Austin. So far, the weekend has consisted of a date night with some great friends, […]

Tips for Meeting the Right Guy Online

Can love, real love, be found as the result of a swipe? It’s the question that so many of my single friends and I have been discussing as more of them embrace the world of online dating. Love ’em or hate ’em, dating apps are an integral part of love in the modern world, and since […]

Raspberry & Ricotta Crêpes with Fresh Berries

I’ll never forget my first crêpe: it was sophomore year, and my high school French teacher, Ms. Baysinger,  brought a burner to class and taught us how to make the the classic version that we stuffed full of nutella and whipped cream. I remember feeling so sophisticated as I swirled the batter in the pan, yielding […]

3 Steps to Throwing Your Best Awards Show Party Ever

I love a good awards show, but let’s be honest: it’s really all about the red carpet, amiright? This year I’m getting a few girls together for the ultimate Sunday Funday with fun cocktails, easy make-your-own flatbreads, and a few rounds of “Red Carpet Bingo” to spark some friendly competition. For this party, we teamed up […]

Weekend Notes

photo from local milk By the time you read this, I’ll be capping off a long weekend in NOLA celebrating a dear friend’s birthday with beignets, jazz, and sazeracs. I haven’t been to the Big Easy since I was a kid, so I’m really looking forward to a couple days of poking around the neighborhoods and […]

Jam-Filled Gluten-Free Muffins

These muffins took a few tries to get just perfect because, well, gluten-free baking is not for the faint of heart. I wanted these to be worthy of Valentine’s Day breakfast, which means that they needed to taste moist and sweet and more indulgent than they actually are. And finally, after a few tries that didn’t […]

Minty Pomegranate Punch

Who’s thinking about falling off the #DryJanuary bandwagon this weekend? Hey, no judgement here, but today’s mocktail might be just what’s needed to reset your good intentions. Full of fruity flavors (and rich in antioxidants), this minty pomegranate punch is refreshing, fizzy, and just plain gorgeous. Since I’m trying to use all the pomegranates I […]

Kale, Persimmon, & Pomegranate Salad

2016 was the year that I finally boarded the persimmon train. I know, I know: those of you who were early adopters are shaking your heads in bewilderment that I’ve made it this far in my adult life without falling in love with persimmons, but there you have it. I’d always walk right past the […]

The Hot Hair Tools Our Beauty Experts Can’t Live Without

My hot hair tool use has gone through many phases: the sleek straight flat irons of college, va va voom hot rollers of my twenties, the more recent medium barreled curling iron beach waves, and countless other looks in between. The only constant? Finding the perfect hot tool for my hair type has been the […]

Weekend Notes

Morning, y’all! We’re in recovery mode over here after hosting a 70th birthday party for my father-in-law at our house last night that last until the wee hours. Anyone else feel like it’s gonna be a coffee on repeat kind of day? Thankfully I rounded up some great reads from around the web earlier this week […]

4 Things to Think About Before You Speak

“Think before you speak.” It’s a maxim that’s been drilled into most of our heads since childhood, so why is it so difficult to actually put into action? I’ll admit, my natural tendency is to say what pops into my head first, but as I get older, I’m realizing how crucial it is to choose my words carefully. […]

Weekend Notes

Morning, friends! Hope you’re all having a lovely weekend so far. It’s suddenly freezing in Austin, so we’re putting our best efforts towards keeping a 1 and 4 year old entertained indoors this weekend. Yesterday we hit up The Thinkery museum, went for a long brunch, and I took Phoebe to see a live musical of Charlotte’s Web […]

Your Perfect Brow Product, Found

photo by simon emmett for glamour uk It’s no secret that I’m a bit brow obsessed (you can read about my brow journey here), and I’m definitely not the first to preach that full, well-groomed brows are the quickest way to a naturally gorgeous look. But with all the new brow products that hit Sephora […]

Pecan & Coconut Granola with Yogurt & Berries

Granola is one of my biggest weaknesses. I think it’s something about that sweet-salty-crunchy combo; if I know it’s in the pantry, resistance is futile. Since I’m not planning to ban granola from my life any time soon, I’ve been making lots of homemade versions that are way healthier than the processed sugar-laden ones you usually find at […]

Your #31mornings Shopping List

image via Faring Well Hop on over here to read more about the #31Mornings Challenge and check out your weekly breakfast menu right here! Then click on the links to download and print your shopping list for healthy and delicious breakfasts every day of the week. #31Mornings Week 1 #31Mornings Week 2 #31Mornings Week 3 #31Mornings […]

My December 2016 List

The most blissful part of the holidays is having time to truly relax, amiright? The week between Christmas and New Year’s is one of the only times of the year when I don’t feel guilty for spending an entire day lounging by the fire, hanging out with family and getting up only to pour another cup of […]