Articles from Camille

2 Delicious Smoothies to Pump You Up (Video!)

Couldn’t be more excited to finally share the first post in our brand new video series! Y’all know that I’m a big fan of smoothies for breakfast, and in today’s video I challenge Chanel to a smoothie-off to see who can make the most delicious one. I make mine with bananas, spinach, cacao, and almond butter, and Chanel […]

Chicken and Winter Vegetable Soup

Around this time of year, I start craving soup a few times a week — there’s nothing that warms the body and soul quite like it. And since we’re eating extra clean this month, I asked food blogger and wellness coach Lisa Bryan to stop by with her favorite healthy soup recipe this winter — and boy did she […]

Weekend Notes

How do I love thee, Sundays? Let me count the ways… waking up without my alarm, time for cooking experiments and kids’ craft projects, motivation to tackle an organizational project. And then there’s brunch. I love days like this for their sheer unhurriedness — I think that such careful scheduling of my time during the […]

What Type of Videos Would You Like to See?

Hey peeps, we’ve been working on some really cool video projects that I can’t wait to share here soon. It’s the first time we’ve concepted and produced our own videos strictly for the blog — people have been asking us for ages why we didn’t do video, but I had to find a personally compelling enough […]

Caramelized Grape Tartine

Sweet, salty, creamy, crunchy — all the things a great appetizer should be! I love experimenting with snack-y bites to serve before dinner parties, and the two main requirements (aside from being delicious) are that they must take 5 minutes or less to make and require no more than a handful of ingredients.  These caramelized […]

Weekend Notes

Well it seems we all survived the first full workweek of 2016, and I hope it was a great one for you! Things felt extra busy around here — we did a cool interiors shoot for an upcoming pub, launched a new video project that I can’t wait to share with y’all, and spent a […]

10 Best Pre-Workout Snacks

Like many of you, I’m dedicating myself to a handful of workout goals in 2016, and since food is usually top-of-mind for me (ha) it begs the question: what should I be eating before exercise? When it comes to pre-workout snacks, I have a few requirements: a good mix of protein and carbs for energy, […]

The Easiest Dinner Party I’ve Ever Thrown

*photography by Kristen Kilpatrick Between recovering from the holidays and just-trying-to-stay-warm, hosting a dinner party may not be at the top of your to-do list this time of year. But if you think about it — given the cold weather and all our friends finally being back in town — there’s actually no better time to get cozy […]

Oatmeal Quinoa Power Bowl

Who’s resolving to start the day with healthier breakfasts this year? Let us know! We want to see how you’re working towards all your 2016 goals with the hashtag #ViveLaResolution. Whether it’s a nutritious meal, a new skill you’re developing, or a healthy habit, post it on Instagram with the hashtag and tag @camillestyles in the image. We’ll be regramming […]

Our Wellness Makeover

Aside from being the first day back in the office in 2016, it’s an especially exciting day around here: our team has been working on a few big updates, and we’re pretty thrilled to finally share what’s new. But first, some background. For the past year or so, I’ve been pushing myself to step back and take a […]

If You’re Looking for Some Holiday Reading…

Hope y’all are having a great week and getting to enjoy some extra time off! Can’t believe that tomorrow is the last day of 2015… who’s thinking about their resolutions? If you’re looking for some fun holiday reading, scoop up the January issues of Architectural Digest and Elle Decor — you might spot the full-page ad […]

A Glamorous Glittering New Years Eve Party

The glitter dust has barely settled from Christmas, and here we are already gearing up for New Year’s Eve festivities this weekend. Are any of you braving the hosting duties this year? For me, NYE is always a bit last minute, and the key to throwing a festive bash is to focus on a few […]

Be Present, Be Merry

Merry Christmas, friends! This time of year always makes me so sentimental about how quickly time passes — maybe it’s because there are so many memories wrapped up in the holidays that I find myself trying to grasp onto every little moment that happens and take a snapshot in my mind, knowing that I’ll turn around and this time […]

Espresso Chocolate Chunk Skillet Brownies

Sometimes you just need a big warm hug… and sometimes you need a warm brownie with ice cream. In my book, no other taste quite satisfies that craving for warm gooey chocolate that strikes daily occasionally. I just got these adorable mini cast iron skillets and have been brainstorming fun ways to use them. First things first: individual […]

Mexican Wedding Cookies

Most of us have a few foods that instantly take us back to childhood, and these cookies are one of them for me. Growing up, my grandmother “Mo” made batches of her famous sand tarts as the centerpiece to our Christmas Eve gathering each year, and I always looked forward to biting into the buttery […]

Weekend Notes

It’s the last weekend before Christmas, and my mood is falling somewhere between excitement for the coming festivities and a twinge of sadness that another holiday season has flown by. I really, truly love this time of year and kind of wish it could last forever… but then I remember that January is around the […]

How to Setup a Holiday Bubbly Bar

I’ll let you guys in on a little secret: I’m shamelessly lazy when it comes to making cocktails at parties. I’ve never been able to figure out how some hosts are able to mix and shake drink after drink… and still have time to actually talk to their guests. Instead, I rely on a couple of go-to strategies to […]

How to Host a Cookie Decorating Party

Cookie decorating is one of those activities that instantly gets me in the holiday spirit, and every December I can’t wait to bust out the cookie cutters, frosting, and sprinkles and get to work. And since it’s also the most fun holiday activity to do with kids, I decided to throw a little decorating bash at our house […]

Turmeric Tea Latté

I’ve been really into using turmeric lately, both for its health benefits (it’s long been used for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties) and the distinctive gingery flavor it brings to dishes. Since my favorite drink of the summer was the Golden Eye, I decided it was time to experiment with creating a warming winter version that would […]

Weekend Notes *Holiday Edition*

Hey guys! I’m sure many of y’all are also in full holiday mode this weekend: trimming the tree, wrapping gifts, and jingle bell rockin’ at parties tonight. These weeks in December fly by so quickly that it feels like a challenge to squeeze in all the requisite holiday festivities before the season ends — but […]