Articles from Camille

Weekend Notes

Hope you’re all having a lovely weekend so far! I made a quick trip to Birmingham last week to visit the Southern Living, Coastal Living and Cooking Light magazine HQ, which was a completely amazing experience thanks to the many lovely and welcoming staffers I met there who epitomized southern hospitality to the fullest extent. Got home […]

Weekend Notes

Happy Saturday, lovelies! Are you getting hints of spring where you are? I’ve been soaking up the sunshine here in Austin all day — after a big trip to the plant nursery this morning, we spent a couple hours repotting our indoor succulents and filling some big outside pots with basil, mint and kale. It’s […]

Tuesday Tastings: Curried Cauliflower & Chickpeas

My friend Anne and I spent an inordinate amount of time discussing our love for it… my friend Kim and I both brought it to the same book club potluck (how embarrassing! It all got eaten though.) It’s not often that the humble cauliflower could be considered “buzz-worthy,” but it seems that the roasted cauliflower & […]

Weekend Notes & thoughts on pampering yourself

Good morning, lovelies! It’s been a bit of a hectic week and I’d been feeling a little harried (you know those times when, every time you have a spare moment, you find yourself obsessively going over your various to-do lists? That was me last week.) So I finally took some time yesterday afternoon to treat […]

Tuesday Tastings :: Hazelnut & Raspberry Éclairs

I’ll never forget my first trip to Paris. I was eighteen, and my mom and I celebrated my high school graduation with a dream trip where we meandered through Claude Monet’s waterlilies, strolled along the Seine, gazed at Picassos, and of course, sampled as much French food as one could possibly taste in the span […]

Monochromatic Monday :: Pot of Gold

While I’ve got to admit that I’m not the world’s biggest St. Patty’s Day fan, I am completely, 100% onboard with any excuse to use liberal doses of the color green… especially when paired with gold for (in my opinion) the world’s prettiest color combination. An emerald and gold palette inspired our new studio’s design […]

Weekend Notes (and SXSW style-spotting!)

Happy weekend, friends! What are all of you up to on this spring Saturday? Austin is still in the throes of SXSW, and while I was all anticipation and excitement last weekend… I’ve got to admit that my energy is starting to wane. It’s been a blast though, and I thought I’d share a few of my […]

Cinnamon Sugar Doughnuts with Chef Callie

Since we’re devoting the month of March to loving our hometowns, we thought it would be fun to invite a couple of the local chefs we love to stop by our studio kitchen and school us on one amazing dish that represents Austin. First up? Callie Speer, pastry chef extraordinaire at Swift’s Attic and fun, sexy […]

Weekend Notes

Happy weekend! SXSW kicked off here in Austin yesterday, so this city is hopping. Despite the gridlock traffic and hourlong wait at every restaurant, I love the energy and excitement that fills every corner of town during SXSW. There are parties galore, pop-up music venues, and friends visiting from all over the country… which adds […]

Weekend Notes

Happy weekend, friends! Thought I’d kick it off with a few of my favorite snaps from last weekend’s whirlwind trip to Miami for South Beach Wine & Food Festival (and don’t miss my favorite links at the bottom of the post!) Phoebe’s first trip to the beach made for some unforgettable moments. Seeing her playing […]

Entertaining With :: Georgia Pellegrini

One of my very favorite aspects of this job is constantly being blown away by the creativity, courage and cleverness of so many women that we get to interview and feature on the site. Really, I am wowed on an almost-daily basis. Today’s Entertaining With subject, Georgia Pellegrini, is definitely one such fabulous female. Born to a […]

Tuesday Tastings :: Super Healthy Migas

Can we start this post with an informal survey? I’m dying to know: how many of you have never had migas? It was such a normal weekend breakfast for us growing up — my dad standing at the stove crunching up the tortilla chips to toss into scrambled eggs — that I sometimes forget it’s […]

On My Nightstand

We got back from Miami last night, and while traveling is usually the time when I make loads of progress in the books I have going, let’s just say that when you have an 18-month-old in tow, things are a little different. “Downtime” typically doesn’t even make an appearance! Towards the last half of our […]

Weekend Notes

Bienvenido a Miami! Er, greetings from Miami, that is! I’m here soaking up the sunshine, eating (and drinking) way too many delicious things and trying to keep myself from blowing my budget at the Webster while at the South Beach Wine & Food festival this weekend. Phoebe came along for the ride too, partly because […]

My Favorite Healthy Snacks

Recent nutritional wisdom has portrayed conflicting views when it comes to the idea of “snacking.” Most women’s magazines praise the virtues of small meals throughout the day, while current bestseller The Fast Diet touts stretching as much time as possible between meals without so much as a nibble. The Fast Metabolism Diet  recommends eating six times daily […]

Monochromatic Monday :: Bittersweet Grapefruit

Nature gives us a bounty of citrus fruits at this time of year for a reason: there’s nothing more invigorating to winter palates than biting into a Clementine slice or squeezing a bright burst of lemon juice over grilled fish or meat. Lately, I’ve felt particularly energized by the sweet-tart hit of grapefruit as an […]

Weekend Notes

  We headed to East Texas yesterday for my grandmother’s memorial service, and I’ve been spending time reading through her letters to me through the years — in the spirit of Valentine’s, they’re some of the best “love notes” I’ve ever received. Nana had this way of making you feel like the most brilliant, witty, […]

Weekend Notes

I’m spending this Saturday at one of the best gigs ever as one of this year’s judges of Citywide 86’d, a heated cooking competition between Austin’s best restaurants. I’m so excited to taste exciting new flavor creations from some of the city’s most talented culinary pros. After channeling my inner Padma, I’ll head over to […]