
Flushed Winter Cheeks

Okay, so we absolutely love this fresh faced winter look (think J Crew catalog) but it’s a little bit scary attempting it on our own… One wrong move can leave us looking like Toddlers in Tiaras, and we’d prefer to keep our beauty pageant looks in the back of mom’s closet where they belong. Enter […]

Twisted Ponytail Updo

We first spotted this look on the runways when the Spring 16 collections were showing during NYFW. Ever since, we’ve been dying to try out this twisted pony for ourselves. Only one problem: we had no idea how to do it. Fortunately for us we knew exactly who to consult, our sweet friend (and senior […]

Holiday Hangover Beauty Cures

If there ever were an official “hangover season,” well, we’re smack dab in the middle of it. Even if you’re no longer in the stage of life where you’re hitting some holiday soiree every night (let’s be honest, who really does that, anyway?) chances are that you’ll have one or two nights between now and […]

How to Change Your Entire Look Just By Moving Your Part

Do you part your hair the same way day after day? Most of us do, and when we’re considering a new look we often find ourselves thinking about making a change in length or color. At Roar Salon, senior stylist Erica Rae reminds clients that moving their part (even just an inch or two) can […]

7 Life-Changing Dry Shampoos

By now, you’re probably familiar with dry shampoo, or what we like to call the best (and most time-saving!) beauty trend in the past five years. Seriously, what did we do before these ingenious little powders appeared on the market? Washed and styled our hair every damn day? Resigned ourselves to looking somewhat greasy half […]

Lipstick That’ll Last From Cocktails to Pumpkin Pie

The countdown to Thanksgiving dinner is on — I’m running around this morning picking up our turkey (Adam is frying it!), last-minute ingredients I forgot on my last trip to the grocery, and flowers for the table. Thought it would be fun to take a little break from the madness to talk about T-day beauty since it’s something […]

Are You Wearing the Right Night Cream?

To me, there are few things more relieving than my nighttime skin care routine. There’s something about washing grime away with cleanser and warm water, toweling off, and massaging in a rich night cream is like a mini spa treatment in the midst of a hectic day—what better way to prepare to head to dreamland? […]

Makeup Removers Your Skin Will Love

Can we just talk for a second about how amazing it feels to wash the grime off your face after a long day of working hard and trying to look presentable? To me, there are few better feelings than washing off dried-out concealer and flaky mascara — but, to make this nightly ritual a treat […]

DIY David Bowie Face Paint

If you saw last week’s special on 3 Genius Eye Makeup Tutorials then you know we’re total suckers for makeup-based costumes. Makeup can be so transformative, and (added bonus) gets you out of spending money on an expensive costume. This Ziggy Stardust-inspired look is even better, because you can create it entirely using products you […]

3 Genius Halloween Eye Makeup Tutorials

I love the idea of a Halloween costume created using makeup — instead of having to go out and buy a crazy getup you’ll never wear again, why not use it as an opportunity to stock your makeup drawer with a few new items that can add a fun twist to your usual morning routine? […]

8 Ways To Make Your Blowout Last Longer

Yes, winter is coming: but, a major upside of the arrival of cold weather? Much better hair days. Between lower humidity and cool, crisp breezes, fall is the perfect time to bust out that blowdryer and try out that sleek, shiny style that you had on pause all summer while your locks were tied up […]

Lowlights for Fall

For most of us with highlights, we don’t realize how out-of-control it can get until we see a photo of ourselves. Um… why do I look like I dunked my head in bleach? Over time, what started out as a little subtle color can morph into a platinum mass of damaged hair. That’s when it’s […]

Are You Ready For The Return Of Brown Lips?

For any of us that grew up in the realm of the ’90s and early aughts, the term “brown lipstick” can be, well, somewhat terrifying. The images of brown lipstick seem synonymous in our minds with frosted lip gloss, matte skin, thin eyebrows, and bad, stripe-y highlights…none of which we’d like to see make a […]

How To Trim Your Own Bangs

Trimming your own bangs is a lot like doing electrical work — you do NOT want to try it yourself without first seeking advice from a professional and obtaining a solid set of instructions. We consulted with senior stylist Erica Rae at Roar Salon to get just that, and hopefully this post will help to […]

How to Get Bold Brows

In case you’ve been living under a rock, brows are back in a MAJOR way this fall. We’re talking full, youthful, wild, amazing brows. Think Cara Delevigne, or better yet — a young Brooke Shields. After over two decades of tedious eyebrow grooming, those of us with naturally full brows are especially stoked to step […]

Your Most Flattering Eyeshadow Shade

In my unofficial studies (read: in my casual polling of friends) it seems that, somehow, eyeshadow is one of the most intimidating products in the beauty world. Not eyeliner, not lipstick, not even self-tanner. Somehow, of my non-beauty-editor friends, not one wears eyeshadow. And I’m not quite sure why. Compared to eyeliner and mascara, shadow […]

Beauty Brush Breakdown

Whenever a friend tells me that she’s “terrible with makeup,” I can usually infer that, in reality, she just has no idea how to apply it. And, honestly, I don’t blame her — there are so many different brushes and applicators out there, I’m sure it seems impossible to determine with brushes are used for […]