
The Beachy Beehive

When our photographer showed up for our most recent shoot with an intern who looked like this, we simply had to figure out a way to get her in front of the camera. We were already working with senior stylist Erica Rae of ROAR Salon on several fun looks for fall, but we put her […]

Summer Hair Damage Repair

Despite the fact that typical ideas of “beachy summer hair” conjure up visions of  sun-kissed highlights and tumbling, shiny waves — well, the reality of harsh sun, humid air and salty or chlorinated swims can mean that, come August, one feels less, well, mermaid-like than she imagined. Thankfully, all is not lost! Whether your hair […]

Flat Iron Waves

Second day hair, model off-duty hair, tousled bed head… whatever you like to call it, it seems like everyone is trying to master those perfectly messy waves these days. (We’ll be the first to admit that we’ve tried all kinds of techniques — with mixed results.) When Senior Stylist Erica Rae of Roar Salon told us […]

How to Max Out Your Sun Protection

What happened to the days when slapping on some sunscreen at the beach once or twice was sufficient? When most of us were growing up, that was generally the attitude toward sun protection; a coating once a day or so was more than enough, and if you ended the day with slightly pink cheeks? No […]

Balayage Highlights

When stylist and salon owner Rory McNeill first told us about “balayage” highlights, we were skeptical. Isn’t that just, like, another buzz name for the same regular ol’ highlights we’ve been getting for years? We visited Rory at ROAR Salon to discover that (happily) we couldn’t be more wrong. Balayage highlights are actually a legitimately new […]

Nails & Cocktails

Y’all know that I love a great summer cocktail — and who doesn’t love a bright summer mani?! – so I couldn’t have been more ready to dive into summer with Target Style for a little shindig that’s all about experimenting with some new nail colors inspired by my favorite cocktail of the season: this […]

Bardot-Inspired Summer Makeup

One of the trends we’re loving for summer is a strong liquid-lined eye paired with a nude lip: some might say it’s a Lana Del Rey kind of thing, but we’d rather cite 60’s French film star Brigette Bardot. “Bardot is one of the original bombshells but anyone can pull off this look,” says makeup […]

How to Have Pretty Feet all Summer Long

It never ceases to amaze me how tough the summer months are on my feet. In cooler weather, when my tootsies are safely enclosed in their socks and shoes, foot maintenance is a breeze — a scrub every once in awhile, followed by a fresh coat of polish, is all it takes to keep my […]

Packing for a Destination Wedding

*this post is sponsored by COVERGIRL – thanks for supporting our partners! There’s nothing better than sharing a special day with people we love, and we happen to think it can be even better when it’s in an exotic location! As much as we might complain about footing the bill for attending destination weddings (see this post from […]

Pool Proof Makeup

We’ve all seen that girl at the pool. You know the one: with full-on pancake makeup and flat ironed hair, awkwardly positioned on her towel to avoid a single drop of water from ruining the masterpiece. Needless to say, we NEVER want to be that girl! We want to be the one who’s up for […]

Best At-Home Hair Treatments

While I can’t say that I’m one for high-maintenance hair on a daily basis (let’s be real, a few extra minutes of sleep will always win that battle), I have learned how important it is to have a few key treatment products in your arsenal to use occasionally to give your hair and scalp a […]

Game of Thrones Inspired Braid

With an office full of individualistic women, our tv tastes don’t always align (Chanel loves VEEP, Camille never misses Nashville, and I remain firmly opposed to The Bachelor). But lately every Monday morning we can’t wait to discuss the one show we all watch and love — HBO’s Game of Thrones. We’re gearing up for the […]

Life-Changing Products from Beauty Insiders

So, a story: when pitching ideas for this column for spring, the lovely Camille herself suggested that I do a story on beauty insiders’ favorite beauty products. Of course, I agreed — what better than to feature all of my favorite ladies, and cop their Holy Grail products and tips while I was at it? […]

Secrets to Perfect Summer Skin

I’ve always found it kind of hilarious that summer has a reputation for being this super-sexy, sultry season. Yes, we’re all dressed skimpier, but sometimes those bikinis can reveal even more than we want them to: I’m talking razor burn, dry skin, not-so-pleasant odors, sunburns and everything else that comes along with long hot days. […]

5 More Minutes: The Workout Workup Beauty Routine

With swimsuit season upon us, we’re hitting the gym more than ever in the month of May. And when it comes to a great barre class, one of the hardest parts (other than simply showing up) is figuring out how to still make that 8pm dinner date looking put together and fresh. So we asked […]

The Right Products for Brows

My mama has taught me lots of very important things — always be on time, be nice to people, “Wear a pretty color!” — but, one of the most valuable lessons that she taught me was how to groom my eyebrows properly. My mom was a model in the eighties, when Brooke-Shields-esque thick brows were […]

The Party Eye

Here’s a real fashion secret: if you don’t have enough cash for a new dress this month, create a fresh look with your hair or makeup. We consulted with makeup artist Avery Allen at Sabia Salon to learn how to create a glamorous nighttime eye that would look great with our favorite old L.B.D. “For […]