Are You Drinking Water the Wrong Way? An Expert Shares Her Optimized Hydration Hacks
If you’re feeling dehydrated, here’s where to start.
If you’re feeling dehydrated, here’s where to start.
Your thumb will thank you.
A nutritionist shares 6 ways to get in balance.
Science-backed ways to reignite desire.
Brighter days ahead.
Consistency over perfection, always.
Here’s to radical honesty.
Clarity starts with a checklist.
Ever reach that point mid-workout where you truly feel like you’re hitting a wall and cannot go on? It happens to me all the time – mostly on my road bike. I’ll wake up, get dressed, have my coffee, grab a bite to eat, and walk out the door with confidence and excitement to crush […]
Morning, y’all! It’s a gorgeous weekend around here — Austin is in its full summer glory and we’re soaking it up in the pool with nowhere we need to be and no idea what time it is. For me, the freedom of not being on a schedule is the best part of the weekend — conversations can linger […]
One of the biggest challenges in parenting a preschool-aged kid is teaching responsibility — without constantly nagging. Now that Phoebe’s almost four, we’ve decided that she’s ready to take on a few simple chores to learn the importance of pitching in and contributing to the family — plus, it’ll help me out since sometimes I […]
They say that comparison is the thief of all joy, and there’s no question that the hours we spend measuring our own life against that of others is time that would be better spent being grateful for what we do have, or even working to achieve the goals we’ve set for ourselves. Of course, some level […]
Thank goodness for a short workweek after coming back from Mexico last Tuesday night… it’s so hard to transition from paradise back into the real life, isn’t it? Adam and I spent three blissful days at the One&Only Palmilla in Los Cabos, and literally did nothing but take long beach walks, lay by the pool […]
Picking up a copy of Ambrosia feels like ordering dessert. The magazine (along with it’s sister publication Drift) is truly a collectible work of art — gorgeous travel photography and writing, laid out minimally on the most touchable matte paper. It’s a luxurious treat for the eyes and soul. So when we found out that […]
My birthday is on Sunday, and I’m already dreaming of cake. And although I find baking them to be extremely enjoyable, I’ve never been that great at making my layer cakes look as good as they taste. I decided to call in the expert, Chef Callie Speer of Geraldine’s here in Austin — you guys might remember the epic homemade donuts […]
What’s your biggest Internet time-suck? You know, that social channel or website that you go to “just to check,” and then you suddenly find yourself 30 minutes older and a little bit dumber? Mine used to be celeb gossip site until I swore them off a few months ago (thanks Jenn), but I can get […]
Mornin’, glories! This weekend has been cloudy skies with the threat of thunderstorms, so we’ve been keeping things low-key at home with the fam — tea parties, puzzles, and trying to keep up with Henry (the baby gates that we took down when Phoebe turned 3 just went back up!) I made these for dinner last night […]
I can say with enormous amounts of confidence that I know when I need a break. Whether it’s as small as walking away from my desk to grab a bit of fresh air or as big as waking up a few hours early on vacation with friends to have quiet alone time, I’m hyper aware […]
It’s a very special morning today: we’re hosting our first ever #GetHealthyGetTogether here in Austin, and I couldn’t be more excited about the fact that I’m about to meet so many of you guys in person for the first time. Earlier this year, the team and I made a commitment to creating content that’s not only […]
Happy Mother’s Day to all you mamas out there! We’re keeping it low-key around here which is just the way I like it. I think I’ve realized that for me, it doesn’t get much better than a sunshine-y Saturday afternoon with the whole family splashing around in the pool and great music coming into the speakers. […]
If you’ve seen my house, you know I love my houseplants — there’s no chicer (or cheaper) way to add a major dose of style to any room. But what you may not know is that I’m terrible at keeping them alive. Since I’m determined to change my ways and develop a green thumb, I […]
Like it or not, the stereotypical American tourist isn’t pretty: She mindlessly consumes all-inclusive drinks, overpacks, and has a reputation for expecting everyone around her to speak English. Many of us find ourselves herded onto crowded tour buses, spending a few days binging on food and drink with other tourists, and then being bustled home […]
From first date to first interview and everything in between – the stress of making a good first impression is all too real. Even for the most social butterflies, meeting someone new can so often be stressful. We want to be charming, friendly and witty, but can never be quite sure how our new acquaintance will […]
Happy first of May, y’all! I’ve been feeling stretched a bit thin lately, between an insane work schedule, social commitments and trying to prioritize family during it all, things have been bordering on overwhelming. So, yesterday we deserted all our plans and spent the entire day in swimsuits, swimming and cooking on the grill with a […]
During her time on the Camille Styles team, Jessi was obsessed with dogs. The two of us would unwind at the end of almost every workday by googling puppy photos and researching breeds… in fact, our ongoing conversation was a big part of what inspired the Fox & Hound series! Shortly after Jessi spread her wings to pursue fashion blogger-dom […]
When the final assignment in a class is to have groups of students perform random acts of kindness, you know there’s something special going on. Dr. Raj Raghunathan is a marketing professor at The University of Texas at Austin where he has spent much of his time researching the topic of happiness. While many business classes […]
I’ve been telling myself that “I really need to start composting” for a long time. For years, actually. I’m not sure why it took me so long to get started — for some reason, I felt intimidated by it all, and thought that composting would pose a huge lifestyle change. Turns out, it’s one of the […]
To learn the story of Noël and Will Bridges is to sign up for a short course in Austin history. Ten years ago, Will (together with a small group of friends) quietly opened a new restaurant in the old Schneider Brothers Building downtown under the peculiar promise of “fancy barbecue”. Today, Lamberts is an institution […]