
How This Plus-Sized Model Found Food Freedom

I first met Danika Brysha on the Internet, one week into my first Whole30. She was doing a takeover of the Whole30 insta account, and she led with why the program works for her as a reset, then gave us a real glimpse into her super busy and layered world. In addition to being the founder/CEO of […]

Camille’s Summer Reading List

Nothing’s better than settling into a sunny spot with an iced coffee and a good book in the summertime, am I right? The sheer act of making a summer reading list of all the books I want to read over the next 3 months feels like a physical reminder to make time to slow down […]

What to Do With Your Life in June

I’ve always been a child of summer, so June is one of the happiest times of the year for me. Even though grown up work is year round, I still manage to get that old beginning-of-summer feeling that got me skipping as a kid. Life inevitably slows down in Austin during the summer, thanks to […]

I Went 36 Hours Without My Phone And Didn’t Die

We’ve probably all considered a digital detox at one point. But if you’re anything like me (or the rest of the CS team) the challenge is not if, it’s when. Aside from the rare vacation, it feels like there’s no good time to start a digital detox! So for this edition of the Wellness Report […]

The Best Morning Ritual & Notes from the Weekend

Happy summer weekend! The official first day of summer may not be for a few more weeks, but as far as I’m concerned, Memorial Day kicks off all the summer vibes I need to wholeheartedly embrace it. It’s an extra special one around here, as I became an aunt for the first time yesterday! My […]

This Super Fit #GirlBoss Is All The MidWeek Motivation You Need

When I sat down to think about May’s Living Kindly column, I knew I wanted to focus on someone that lights me up and inspires me with their tenacity and drive. Someone that can put their mind to anything and achieve it. And someone that lives their life with purpose, passion, and shows up wholeheartedly. […]

What I’m Reading & Notes from Mother’s Day Weekend

Morning, friends! Hope y’all are having a wonderful weekend. Ours has been full of lazy hours by the pool with the kids, running errands around town, and sunset rosé with a few good friends. In other words, it’s feeling like summer, and I couldn’t be happier about it. This Mother’s Day is extra special in […]

DIY Rose + Sage Smudge Sticks

This year’s Mother’s Day celebration was all about creating a relaxing experience through aromatics. I created a custom gift basket complete with instructions for an aromatic ritual, which began with burning a rose and sage smudge stick that we made ourselves. This little DIY couldn’t be easier, and makes a great gift for moms, bridesmaids, […]

What to Do With Your Life in May

May is Camille’s favorite month, and we tend to agree. It’s the end of the school year, the beginning of swim season, and the absolute BEST time to be outside on a patio in Austin! Between Cinco de Mayo celebrations, crawfish boils, Mother’s Day and more, we have plenty of good reasons to celebrate during […]

4 Exercises to Jump Start Your Boxing Obsession

Shadow boxing is when a boxer moves around by herself, throwing punches in the air; it is the raw exercise of moving the body like a boxer. It is an essential component for fighters to develop and improve fighting techniques, condition muscle memory, and warm-up or down during training, and is fundamental to improve strength, […]