
The 90 Day Guide to Landing a New Job

All signs point to it being time to move on. You’re faking sick, doing the bare minimum work, and dreading Mondays. But your job also pays good money, and you’re living an OK life on that salary. So you put off launching your job search week after week, trying to ignore the frustration you feel at […]

My March 2017 List

featured image via brandy melville usa The past few weeks, I’ve actually been making it into bed by 9pm with enough time to dive into a good book before turning off the light. I sleep so much better when I get some reading time in beforehand! This month’s roundup includes my new go-to weeknight cookbook, […]

Weekend Notes

Happy weekend, friends! It’s rainy here today, and I’m looking forward to a cozy day of cooking, errands with the fam, and closet organizing. Is it crazy that those activities make me feel so excited lately? It feels like a welcome break from the faster pace of the workweek — a breath of fresh air that gets me […]

A Head-to-Toe Guide for Your Best Ever Spring Break Bod

featured image from j. crew March, y’all. March! Can you believe it? The new month feels especially out-of-turn here in Texas, where the winter season was so brief and sporadic, that I didn’t even get the chance to wear half the outerwear in my closet. Then again, there are worse things in the world than the […]

Weekend Notes

Happy weekend, y’all! Hope it’s been a good one so far. I’ve been reading this book that a friend gave me, called Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living. I knew before I even opened it that it was exactly what my life is needing right now. Like so […]

Follow These 5 Rules for Financial Success

photo by Polienne Editor’s Note: Today’s post is authored by Erica Holland. In addition to her full-time role at a private equity firm, Erica runs a personal finance and lifestyle blog, ModMoney, where she simplifies personal finance in a relatable way, and dives into important “real world” topics seldom taught in school. We all know and admire a savvy woman […]

Weekend Notes

Morning, friends! This weekend has so far been my absolute favorite kind: tons of sunshine, brunch with my sister, reading new books, making dinner on the grill, and yes — we actually spent a few hours in the pool yesterday (in February!) Crazy, I know. Work has felt incredibly busy lately between a really full shooting […]

Is Your Crew Setting You Up For Success?

image: lack of color On my very first day as an intern with E! Entertainment, my boss gave me a valuable piece of advice that I’ll never forget. He said, “Work hard, but never underestimate the power of a good mentor.” Eleven years later, this still holds true. I’m not sure if it’s a by-product […]

Carmen & Paddington

I’ll admit that when Carmen and Paddington first came onto the Camille Styles team, both Coco and I felt threatened. A crafty girl with a ridiculously cute dog?! That’s totally our schtick! Nevertheless, we pushed our egos aside and decided to make room in our hearts for the adorable duo, and I speak for the whole team […]

8 Sunday Night Habits of Successful People

photo via camille styles Even for those of us who love our jobs, the Sunday night blues are for REAL. I’ve noticed that especially when I’ve had a fun and carefree weekend, the transition back into the structure of the work week can be a tough pill to swallow. In an effort to take back my Sunday […]

Weekend Notes

Good morning, friends! What are y’all up to this weekend? I got home from LA on Thursday night, so it’s been *heaven* to mostly stay home, hang with the fam, and soak up this unseasonably sunny weather we’re experiencing in Austin. So far, the weekend has consisted of a date night with some great friends, […]

A Day In The Life of a Wedding Dress Designer

Scrolling through designer Stephanie White’s instagram feed is basically seeing my deepest, most sacred wedding fantasies come to life. I’ll never forget the day I discovered Odylyne the Ceremony — I literally gasped out loud and thought to myself, Oh my god. Somebody out there gets it. “It” meaning the ethereal, romantic, dreamy, ceremonial vibe that I […]