Are You Drinking Water the Wrong Way? An Expert Shares Her Optimized Hydration Hacks
If you’re feeling dehydrated, here’s where to start.
If you’re feeling dehydrated, here’s where to start.
Boredom busters, tested and approved.
Your thumb will thank you.
Intimately familiar.
Erewhon dupes abound.
No artistic talent required.
The life-changing magic of letting go.
Just popping in to say that Henry Neil Moore has arrived! I went into labor right on my due date, and we welcomed our (8 lb 11 oz!) baby into the world on Sunday. He has already brought so much joy into our lives over these last 3 days, and we’re looking forward to a couple of […]
This is the first in our brand new “Passport to” series, where one of our favorite creative people invites us along on a visual tour of a fascinating destination. Rather than travel guides, these posts are meant to be mental escapes — a rare opportunity to let your mind drift far from home and allow yourself be swept […]
A couple of weeks ago, I had a business meeting at a coffee shop and decided to order scrambled eggs with buttered toast. Such a simple, satisfying breakfast, right? Yet while I sat eating it, I started feeling this nagging sense that maybe I should be fueling up with something a little… cleaner. Visions of kale smoothies, avocado on […]
Once I learned the importance of brightening up my meals with as many color-rich vegetables as possible, my attention zoned in on all greens. I wish I could credit this shift to their great taste, endless recipe potential and nutritional bragging rights, but the truth is — at age 5, when I found out my […]
Seems like there’s always a new “it” superfood popping up in the news, from bee pollen to spirulina to chia seeds. But what’s the element that makes a so-called superfood… truly super? Since there’s truth to the saying that “you are what you eat,” my definition is a fresh, whole food that’s naturally bursting with vitamins and minerals, […]
I’ve loved getting to post the design process behind our upstairs remodel (check out Phoebe’s “Big Girl” room here, and baby H’s nursery here), and today I’m super excited to share our new playroom that’s destined to become the most popular spot in the house as our kids grow. Ever since Phoebe was born, our living room […]
The royal baby watch may be over, but it’s still going full force around here! Now that I’m in that window where it could actually happen any time, I find myself savoring all the things that will be few and far between with a new baby: sleep-filled nights, leisurely Saturdays in the pool, long restaurant brunches […]
Morning, friends! Hope you’re all having a lovely weekend so far. I’ve been battling a nasty cold all week (sick and 9 months pregnant… so not cool), but finally managed to shake it off enough yesterday to embrace our Saturday morning rituals: walk around the city, farmers’ market stop, pastries and omelettes on the patio of […]
Your inside guide to the hippest small town in Texas.
We’ve all seen the Turkish towels that seem to be on the shelves of nearly every major retailer. And if I’m being honest, until recently I didn’t see what the fuss was about… sure, they look pretty, but how can you call something a towel when it’s paper thin and hardly absorbent? Well, since getting my hands on […]
I rarely leave home without a granola bar tossed in my bag, but I’m not a big fan of the processed ingredients and refined sugars that are in most of them. So lately I’ve been really into making my own, and when I hit upon some of the great no-bake versions out there, I started tooling around […]
In the first three months of this journey, the weight vanished rather quickly. I say quickly because most cannot fathom a 50 lb weight loss in 3 months. For some of you, that’s more than a third of your body weight. For me, it was only a drop in the bucket. No surprise here — […]
Happy weekend, darlings! This one’s all about celebrating baby’s arrival around here, first with a couples’ shower that some close friends hosted for us last night, and today, with a casual family barbecue. There’s something about unwrapping all those onesies in shades of grey and blue that makes it that much more real we’ll be […]
Happy Easter, friends! Hope you’re all having a lovely day filled with sweet things and sunshine. We’re spending the day with our families, and since Phoebe’s still the only grandchild on both sides (for 6 more weeks!), it’ll be all about her solo egg hunts. Which she doesn’t mind a bit, since it means she […]