Are You Drinking Water the Wrong Way? An Expert Shares Her Optimized Hydration Hacks
If you’re feeling dehydrated, here’s where to start.
If you’re feeling dehydrated, here’s where to start.
Boredom busters, tested and approved.
Your thumb will thank you.
Intimately familiar.
Erewhon dupes abound.
No artistic talent required.
The life-changing magic of letting go.
The more conversations I have with my girlfriends, the more I realize: women are natural worriers. We worry about little things (I woke up at 2am last night with my mind racing about the wood floors we’re getting installed!) and the big things (families, health, job security… the list goes on.) However unpleasant it might […]
As you can probably tell by the images here (taken at the loveliest flower shop in Boston, via Gardenista), I’m suffering from serious Spring fever. The temps in Austin have been such a tease — sunny and shorts-appropriate one minute, grey and cloudy the next (i.e., at this very moment as I gaze wistfully out […]
I’ve often scoffed at the phrase, “I’m going on a juice cleanse.” Mostly because those who were giving it a go were doing so as penance for an indulgent weekend or a fast solution to a larger problem. While there is something to be said for the need to reset the mind — or despite my disdain […]
Hope everyone’s having a lovely Valentine’s weekend and finding some fun little ways to indulge. We had a great “date night” at home last night — grilled pizzas and chocolate soufflés on the back patio (the weather was insanely gorgeous) followed by Jake Gyllenhaal’s flick Nightcrawler (not romantic, but still awesome.) Phoebe’s also fully embraced the holiday, and […]
I confess that I’m a total chocoholic. So when Tessa Halstead, creative gal and second-gen chocolatier (her dad was an early pioneer of artisanal chocolate-making!) invited our team to meet at her darling Austin shop for a wine & chocolate tasting party, we couldn’t wait to make this our next field trip. Much to our tastebuds’ delight, the Chocolaterie Tessa team […]
Adam and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary last June, and one thing I’ve learned over the years is the importance of showing little acts of romance — or even grander gestures once in awhile! It’s easy to become so comfortable with the person you wake up with each morning that you can forget to prioritize showing […]
Happy first day of February! It’s been grey and rainy here this weekend, and we’ve combatted the dreary weather with movies in front of the fireplace, a dutch baby pancake feast, and most of all, dreaming of our little getaway that’s coming up this week. Adam and I are taking off for a babymoon in […]
ed note: Though January is drawing to a close, our team is still working hard on our resolutions and focusing on making small changes to improve our surroundings. For many of us, the areas most in need of TLC are in our homes, or more specifically, our well-loved kitchens. So we turned to fellow Austinite, wellness enthusiast, and co-founder […]
Hope y’all are having a great weekend so far! We hosted a couples’ baby shower for some good friends at our house last night, and it was so fun celebrating their soon-to-arrive bundle who will be just 6 weeks older than ours. Today will be whipping the house back into shape, doing a massive grocery […]
For many of us, a new year means a new resolution to get more fit. So far, I’m excited to report that I’ve managed to uphold my New Year’s fitness resolution (3 weeks strong!) My secret: the right gear that helps me feel my best, inspiring me to get into gear. Sometimes a shiny new something is just what’s needed to keep your eyes […]
We’ve all been there: a closet full of clothes with nothing to wear. Sure, we have that handful of staple pieces that we couldn’t possibly live without, but the rest of our wardrobes can go untouched for weeks, months, or even years. I personally found myself in a dire state of closet disrepair a few months ago, around the […]
Jessie and Andy are living the dream. More specifically, they’re living my dream, and in more than one respect. Not only is the engaged couple in the midst of renovating a ranch-style home in South Austin, but together, they also own and run one of this town’s most beloved restaurants: Henri’s. I’d be lying if I said […]
Morning! Hope you’re all having a lovely weekend so far. These last couple days have been our first days of sunshine in a long time, so yesterday involved sitting on multiple restaurant patios: first with Adam and Phoebe devouring breakfast tacos, then later with my friend Erika, catching up over green juices at Whole Foods. Hoping […]
When I first embarked on this journey, my only real goal was to simply get healthy. I didn’t set a lot of rules around the number of days I should exercise or amount of vegetables to consume. My energy was spent on finding workouts that I liked, cleaning up my diet and making sure I was having […]