Articles from Camille

The Best (and Worst) Decisions I’ve Made Running My Business

It’s hard to believe I’ve been running a business for 10 years. Some days I still feel like a total rookie (what’s a form 1099 again?), and then I have a coffee chat with a recent college grad or speak on a panel at Create & Cultivate, and realize that I’ve learned quite a bit […]

Swirled Yogurt & Smoothie Bowl

photos by kristen kilpatrick Now that I’m eating breakfast more often, I’m faced with a new conundrum: how to make my morning meal healthy, quick, and most importantly, not boring. Since smoothies check all the boxes, I make one for brekkie most days of the week, but sometimes I just don’t want to drink my breakfast, ya […]

What to Wear for Cocktails at Hillside Farmacy

images by kristen kilpatrick I’m always happy when I have an excuse to cross over to the east side of Austin which just keeps getting better…. and the list of restaurants I want to go to keeps getting longer. Hillside Farmacy is a longtime fave because of the ultra charming décor, but also because this […]

Healthy Breakfast Ideas, The Instagram Algorithm, & Weekend Notes

featured photo via sf girl By the time y’all read this, I’ll be on a ranch in West Texas with friends (and lots of kids under the age of 5) not doing much besides watching the river go by and wondering if it’s too early to bust out the chocolate chip cookie bars. After this week, […]

What to Wear to a Morning Meeting at Juice Society

*photos by kristen kilpatrick Is anyone else prematurely shopping for hot weather clothes? Once that first warm day of March blows in, I can’t hold myself back from sundresses and sandles, and I’ve probably been staying up a little too late the past couple nights perusing spring collections from some of my favorite designers. It’s […]

Ottolenghi’s Sweet Potato Gratin

Click here for more recipes from Joe and Mike’s Sunday Supper!  “We’ve been doing Sunday Supper with our friends for a while as a way to shake off the Sunday night doldrums. It’s on a rotating basis, and we just cook for each other – we might rotate on dessert or apps, but the dinner […]

Pomegranate Molasses Chicken

Click here for more recipes from Joe and Mike’s Sunday Supper!  Joe Holm and Mike Hondorp invited us over for a laughter-filled afternoon in their renovated bungalow as they prepped for the regular “Sunday Supper” they throw for a group of close friends. Here is one of their favorite recipes, Honey & Co’s Pomegranate Chicken […]

Spring Salmon and Veggie Grain Bowl

photos by Ashleigh Amoroso I’ve finally gotten Adam on the grain bowl train, and I couldn’t be happier about it. Used to be that my announcement that we were having a grain bowl for dinner (again) was met with an eye roll, but now I get more of an “okay, cool” response from him, so […]

4 Powerful Ways That Your Schedule Can Impact Your Skin

images by kristen kilpatrick I’m naturally a creature of habit: it makes me genuinely happy to make my go-to green smoothie for breakfast, take the same route on our family’s neighborhood walk each day, and go to bed around the same time every night. And don’t even get me started on my morning coffee and […]

A Southern-Style Dinner Party to Celebrate Spring!

Y’all, the countdown has begun: we’re only two weeks away from the first day of spring! Why not pick a free Saturday on your calendar and invite friends to your back patio (or a nearby picnic spot) to celebrate with an open air dinner party? When warmer temps arrive, I want to eat as many […]

Weekend Notes: Brave Girls & Sheet-Pan Dinners

featured image via belle vivir Happy weekend, friends! What are y’all up to? We’ve spent ours almost completely at home — last night was splashing around in the hot tub, grilling fish tacos, and sitting by the fire with wine until way too late. I’m headed to New York for a few days for work […]

Should You Add Adaptogens to Your Daily Routine?

If you’re into wellness trends, you’ve probably heard about the life-changing power of adaptogens. I recently started taking a couple of them in capsule form, and I’ve definitely noticed feeling more energetic and mentally sharp throughout the day, skipping right over the 2pm slump that always hit me post-lunch. Fans of adaptogens claim stress reduction, […]

Smoky Beet & Strawberry Salad with Gorgonzola

*photos by Ashleigh Amoroso The other day, I picked up a pint of strawberries at the grocery store, fully anticipating the bland, lackluster berries I’ve had to settle for all winter long. I brought them home, gave them a rinse, and was shocked to take a bite into a sweet-as-candy strawberry that made me realize: […]

8 Delicious Ways to Use Up Stale Bread

I’ve always had visions of waking up on a Saturday morning and baking a rustic loaf of bread to enjoy all weekend long. For me, it feels like the essence of hygge… but a couple things stood in my way. First, the terminology of breadmaking (ie. yeast and rising and kneading and proofing) felt super intimidating. Second, […]

How to Make Ceviche At Home (It’s Not That Hard)

photos by Ashleigh Amoroso When we were in Costa Rica a couple weeks ago, Adam and I couldn’t stop raving about the flavorful ceviche that was as incredible at roadside stands as it was at fine dining restaurants. I vowed to myself that I’d attempt to recreate it back home, so we had Hannah Yerby, […]

Weekend Notes: Back From Costa Rica & Cures for the Common Cold

photo by @onahazymorning Happy weekend, friends! Adam and I got back from Costa Rica last week, and it was exactly the kind of trip we both needed to get totally rejuvenated. The perfect mix of adventure (kayaking, surfing, and so much hiking!) and relaxation (beach time, amazing Latin American food, and so much rosé!), Costa […]

Charred Caprese Eggplants

I almost feel like it’s cheating to do another “caprese” recipe, because let’s face it: ANYTHING you stuff with tomatoes, basil, and fresh mozzarella is going to be delicious. But when I made these charred eggplants the other night for dinner, they were so ridiculously easy (in addition to being delish) that I knew I […]

I’m Addicted to This Skin Mattifyer, A Book on Clarity, and More

Morning y’all! I’m back with our second installment of I’m Addicted to in which I share everything I’m loving this week. Today’s picks definitely slant wellness-y because (a) January, and (b) hello, it’s me. Keep scrolling, and be sure to watch my Instagram stories tomorrow where I’ll be showing each of these crave-worthy items in action! Sunday Riley […]

How to Throw a Hot Pot Dinner Party

The end of January may not be the most expected time to throw a dinner party, but I think it’s actually perfect. Hear me out. The holidays are over (pressure’s off!), it’s too cold to really want to go out, but everyone’s going stir-crazy from being at home so many nights in a row. Trust […]