Articles from Camille

The Black Jeans

Especially as I hit my late twenties, and now thirty, my focus has shifted towards building a classic wardrobe of pieces that I love, that I can wear for years, and that I know I’ll look and feel great in. And that was the inspiration behind our recently-launched Essential Pieces series that’s all about the way I really dress […]

Pregnancy Skincare 101

It’s one of the “joys” of pregnancy: crazy hormones send your skin into a tailspin of dryness, acne, or redness, but there’s such a dearth of research out there about what treatments are safe to use during pregnancy that launching any kind of new product regimen can be scary. Now that I’m on my second go round, […]

Ashton’s Casual Bohemian Bungalow

Like many Austinites, Ashton Arthur fell in love with the city’s active outdoorsy vibe and vibrant food and music scenes when she moved here to attend University of Texas in the 90’s… and she never left. Ten years later, Ashton was ready to purchase a home of her own, and when she stepped through the doors of this 900-square-foot bungalow that […]

Christine & Steven Visneau

For fashion stylist and designer Christine Visneau and her husband, photographer Steven Visneau, work is life and life is work. They’ve woven their creative endeavors so seamlessly into the happy life they share with their two daughters in Dallas that they’re almost one in the same, and constant collaboration is their default. And as co-creators […]

Weekend Notes

Did you all have a good Christmas week? I’ve got to say that Phoebe’s total obsession with Santa this year made it extra fun. I wish you could have seen her face when she discovered that he’d brought her a train set and a dollhouse just like she’d asked him. A miracle! Also, can’t believe […]

The Gift of Gratitude

Is gratitude something that we feel, or is it something that we do? I think it’s both – although we usually think of it as a natural response to good things happening, we can also make a choice to feel it throughout the day, every day. And the thing that I’ve been noticing in my own life is […]

How to Have a Cozy Night In

After all my talk this past weekend of making time to lounge around during the holidays, thought it’d be fun to break down exactly what’s needed for the perfect cozy night in. It may seem like relaxing would be an intuitive skill, but with today’s constant barrage of texts, emails, and our general inability to slow down, […]

A New Addition!

Yep, you guessed right… as of this week, I’m 20 weeks pregnant (the halfway point!) and there is officially no more hiding this bump. It has popped! We’re super excited about the arrival of baby #2, and are pretty giddy that it’s a BOY this time around! Phoebe is already obsessed with the idea of […]

Cozy By the Fire (& Weekend Links!)

It’s the Saturday before Christmas, and I’m officially pronouncing it the weekend to lounge. Whether curled up by a fireplace, vegging out in front of classic holiday movies, or making a cozy dinner at home, I expect to see some serious relaxation out of you guys today (and that’s an order!) It’s the weekend that separates the madness […]

A Gift Wrapping Party

Francis Ford Coppola’s grandmother, Maria Zasa, spoke four languages – English, Italian, Arabic and French and with each sip of wine she would offer a toast, “À votre Santé” – to your health. Today, Grandma Zasa Coppola’s memory, and her celebration of family and togetherness, is honored with Coppola’s Votre Santé collection of wine. Inspired by […]

Simple Tips for Stylish Holiday Hosting

There’s no doubt that hosting during the holiday season is a learned skill that gets better with practice. I’ll never forget the first Christmas bash I attempted to throw singlehandedly — I was way too ambitious with the labor-intensive food, the detailed decor, the guest list and the gifts, and the hours leading up to the event can only […]

Weekend Notes

In the past 5 days, I’ve been in Virginia, Atlanta, and Dallas… and today I’m headed back to Austin to luxuriate in several weeks of being at home, enjoying the holidays with family, finally wrapping all my gifts, catching up with girl friends who I’ve totally neglected during my book tour, and probably baking one […]

2 Great Holiday Punch Recipes

Thank goodness that the old-school punch bowl is having a “moment” again, since a huge batch of fruity, boozy punch is one of my greatest secrets to stress-free holiday entertaining. There’s something about it that instantly sends a “let’s get this party started!” vibe the second guests walk in the door, and most importantly, it […]

The Winner of Our Instagram Challenge!

Over the past few weeks, you guys have filled my feed with the most beautiful photos showing how you’re using Camille Styles Entertaining at home — it’s been endlessly inspiring! Today we’re excited to announce the winner of our #CamilleStylesEntertaining instagram challenge, and the West Elm gift card prize goes to… @merrittwakefield! There were so […]

Gap Styld.By: Graphic Florals

For holiday party outfits, I always find myself searching for that perfect balance of festive and cozy: when it’s freezing outside, I’m way too much of a baby to wear anything that reveals too much skin to the elements! A long-sleeved dress, opaque tights, and a cozy scarf provide lots of warmth, and when the dress is […]

A Midwinter Night’s Dream

A beautifully-set table, flickering candlelight, platters overflowing with rich food, and carefully chosen wines to complement it. Sounds like a dream of a holiday gathering, doesn’t it? We thought so too, which is why we positively swooned when we laid eyes on the Midwinter Night’s Dream-themed dinner party that best friends Gillian Segal and Sophie Collins designed together, brimming […]

Book Soirée in San Fran

Happy weekend, lovelies! Is anyone else in slight disbelief that we’re already well into December? Next week will cap off the final stops on my book tour (in 2014, at least), and while a part of me will be glad to take a break from all the traveling, these last couple months have really been […]

Healthy Chocolate Cupcakes

Okay okay, “healthy” is a relative term, but when you compare these against your typical cupcakes packed full of sugar and way too much white flour and butter, they’re definitely healthier, and satisfy chocolate cravings like a champ. After watching the documentary Fed Up recently, I was inspired to start paying a little more attention to how much sugar […]

How I Met My Mentor

Lately on the blog, we’ve been talking a lot about female mentorships: the importance of finding someone who’s walked in your shoes before and is willing to share the wisdom they’ve picked up along the way to inspire your ideas and actions. So, I’m really excited to be part of Interview magazine and La Crema Wines Statement Makers […]