Designers Share the Best Paint Colors to Make Any Room Feel Bigger
Small space living done right.
Small space living done right.
Plaster, zellige, and terra cotta—all the textures for a dream retreat.
Calm, cozy, and perfectly imperfect.
No renovation required
At-home spas? Say less
Tables fit for a holiday feast.
Lush garlands, twinkling lights, and intimate conversation? Check.
Happy Monday, folks! Chanel here, dispatching from Tel Aviv where sea salt is in the air, fresh produce is filling the markets and the bougainvillea is in full bloom. Since I’m pushing myself to move away from neutrals, the electric colors are a welcome change of scenery and never fail to remind me that summer […]
If you do home improvement projects often, you probably know that they almost always take more time (and work, and money) than you originally planned. Well friends, I stand before you today reinvigorated and re-inspired, as I can honestly say that this makeover project might be the first of its kind to have actually been easier and faster than […]
I went into making this DIY fully intent on gifting the necklaces to little Phoebe, but by the time they were finished, she practically had to pry them out of my hands. They just turned out too adorable, and the sweet sorbet colors of those beads make them look borderline delicious… I couldn’t bear the thought of handing them […]
I remember getting my first pair of espadrille sandals as a teenager — they were open-toed and canvas with a ropey strap that knotted around my ankle, and they likely began my lifelong love affair with shoes that make me feel like I’m headed to the beach (even though the reality is that I’m usually wearing them in an air-conditioned […]
Growing up all of my design inspiration came from just two or three sources – the glossy magazines that arrived in the mailbox each month. Today, we have new and diverse images available to us daily from so many sources it can be overwhelming, yet it is still so easy to fall into the same habits. Subway […]
Emily Meyer is one inspirational lady, and it’s not just for the obvious reasons. Sure, she co-founded Tea Collection — an award-winning children’s clothing line that’s inspired by global cultures and modern design (and is ethically sourced!). And yeah, she’s a wife and mother to two adorable kids — Clement (age 6) and Georgia (age 4). But […]
Bathroom envy is a real thing, people, and if you don’t believe me just take a look at Gabriela Perezutti Hearst’s marble tub on instagram. While I generally prefer a certain level of modesty when it comes to interiors, I’m absolutely and totally cool with over-the-top bathrooms. It’s the one room in the house that’s […]
Okay, we’ll admit that this image of Jon Hamm is really more of a gift to ourselves. But we are totally channeling Don in this year’s roundup of dad’s day gift ideas! (Or maybe even a young President Kennedy, relaxing in Hyannis Port… ) We’ve scoured the web for fifteen gifts that say all the […]
photographed by buff strickland We have to admit — as much as we’d like to claim scouting credit — that artist Miranda Lake fell into our lap by some sort of strange magic. We’d just been discussing reader comments in a meeting and lamenting that you (our lovely readers) were ready to see something different […]
You may have seen this kitchen and immediately started thinking of reasons you need a butcher’s block table. I know I did. For example, the wood is better for your knives as it won’t dull their edges. If you have a small kitchen, then the additional work space can be a welcome solution to limited […]
photographed by belathée • shot on location at the virgil in los angeles To be alone onstage with nothing but a microphone, quick wit, and cool set of nerves as your weapons… I can’t think of anything more terrifying. But for stand up comic, filmmaker, and actress Ashley Barnhill, there’s nothing more exhilarating. The up-and-coming […]
Is there anything more fun to fantasize about than second homes? We think not. Most of us will be lucky to pay off one home in our lifetime, but it’s always fun to dream. The good news is that with small boutique hotels and services like Air BnB, you can now actually live the fantasy […]
Just popping in to say that Henry Neil Moore has arrived! I went into labor right on my due date, and we welcomed our (8 lb 11 oz!) baby into the world on Sunday. He has already brought so much joy into our lives over these last 3 days, and we’re looking forward to a couple of […]
This is the first in our brand new “Passport to” series, where one of our favorite creative people invites us along on a visual tour of a fascinating destination. Rather than travel guides, these posts are meant to be mental escapes — a rare opportunity to let your mind drift far from home and allow yourself be swept […]