
12 Words of Wisdom We’d Tell Our High School Selves

A few weeks ago I went down the Facebook rabbit hole, somehow finding myself rereading a conversation between myself and a girlfriend from 2006 (my senior year of high school). With each line I read, I grew more convinced that there was no possible way I had written those words — they were petty, gossipy […]

Easy Tips for Eating More Slowly

Do you guys remember my vow to try and start eating more slowly? In the month since I wrote that post, I’ve been implementing a few changes at mealtime, so I thought it would be a good time to report back with what’s really made a difference for me. As we touched upon in the last post, […]

8 Ways to Make Your Bed Non-Basic

Editor’s note: Ever since Rebecca Atwood‘s “Living With Pattern” landed on our doorstep, it feels like my design sensibilities have done a complete 180. I’ve had varying versions of mostly white bedding for years and have always loved it, but flipping through the vibrant, pattern-filled pages of this book has me craving color and texture in a […]

Weekend Notes

Happy weekend! We’re enjoying a cozy one at home, since Austin’s been flooded with rain for the past week and it doesn’t appear to be letting up. That means multiple coffee refills, veggie scrambles, painting with Phoebe, a midday barre class, organizing the pantry, and researching some upcoming travel. Did I mention that I love […]

Weekend Notes

Morning, y’all! Hope everyone’s had a lovely weekend so far. This has been the first weekend we’ve been at home in almost a month, so it feels especially blissful to just hang out with nothing on the agenda besides jumping in the pool and grilling dinner. We threw Phoebe a fourth birthday party with a […]

August 2016

Morning y’all, happy AUGUST? (how is that possible) Today we’ve got the second installation of my What to Read, Watch, & Listen To This Month series where I basically share all the media I’m currently ingesting and loving. The past month has been a little heavy on CNN and national conventions (I’m telling you people, weirder than […]

Weekend Notes

Morning, y’all! This weekend has been a bit nuts — it started on the Texas coast for Chanel’s bachelorette party in Port Aransas, and now I’m at my next stop in San Antonio for yet another girls’ getaway that just happened to fall on the same weekend. I can’t complain, but I have a feeling that it might be tough […]

12 Ways to Make Greener Shopping Choices

As most of us make efforts to clean up our diets and be a little kinder to the environment in the process, it’s also important to consider the products we’re putting on our bodies and bringing into our homes. Today’s post, in partnership with Seventh Generation as part of our Living Green series, is all about the simple […]

Valerie and Taylor

We’re pretty sure there’s not a more enviable combination than that of chef and florist when it comes to couples with cool jobs. (Just think about what their date nights at home must look like!) So when we found out that florist Valerie Wolf of Davy Gray Floral is married to non-other than the executive chef at Justine’s Brasserie, Taylor […]

Weekend Notes

Morning y’all! So far, this weekend has been a sweet mix of date night, swimming with Phoebe and Henry, working on projects around the house, and a birthday dinner for a friend last night. Today’s goal is to continue that trend and hopefully feel completely rejuvenated and ready to tackle the week ahead — planning to spend […]

Why You Should Be Meditating

Meditation was a foreign concept to me until very recently. I’ll admit that when any of my friends or colleagues talked about meditating, I immediately envisioned them sitting down in a dimly-lit room, legs crossed, candles lit, with their eyes closed and maybe some soft music playing in the background with a cluster of crystals in […]

Could Eating More Slowly Change Your Life?

Do you ever feel bummed when a meal is over? That’s me about seventy-five percent of the time, partially because I’m so enthusiastic about what I’m eating that I simply never want it to end, but mostly because I ate it hurriedly and only halfway remembered to enjoy it. Does anyone else experience this? Since most of us are flying […]

How to Turn Your Anxiety Into Success

Anxiety seems to be a natural part of today’s 9-5. We frantically answer emails all day long, avoid ever saying “no” because of some crazy fear that we might miss out on the next big thing, and then, of course, there’s our obsession with needing to know exactly what’s next. What’s my next career move? […]

Weekend Notes

Happy weekend, friends! What have y’all been up to? Today’s agenda consists of pool time, catching up with old family friends, perfecting my huevos rancheros recipe, and doing a little Pinterest research for a new design project I’m working on (stay tuned.) The work weeks have been so busy lately, I’ve been making a major […]

Weekend Notes

Happy holiday weekend, y’all! Hope yours involves a body of water and either hot dogs, barbecue, or a lobster roll, depending on where you are and your proclivities. For our annual Fourth of July bash tomorrow, Adam’s making his “smash” sliders on the grill (his own technique that involves a cast iron skillet and a spatula), […]

Weekend Notes

Happy weekend, friends! About this time in June every year, I always look at the calendar and realize that July is almost upon us — and that if I don’t start squeezing every last bit of fun out of these summer days, the season will be gone before I know it! That’s pretty much summed up this […]

9 Habits That Will Make You Smarter

“Motivation is what gets you started, but habits are what keep you going.” My mother hit me with this pointer on the phone last week during our regular call on my commute to work, proving yet again that moms really do know best. That catchphrase stuck with me throughout my day, leading me to consider […]