
A Weekend On The Lake

Half-way through Summer ’17, and it’s already going down in my book as one of the best ever. The reason? Because this summer, more than last year and the year before, I’ve found myself spending tons of time on the water. From this unforgettable day at sea with the team to an afternoon on the Mediterranean with family, I’ve […]

5 Unexpected Ways Air Quality Affects Your Mood

It’s fascinating — one of the first things that affects us in a room is the quality and temperature of the air, yet it’s one of the last things we tend to consider when designing a space. When we started planning renovations to the 100 year old bungalow that will be our new office, we […]

How To Build A Morning Routine

Living kindly. Let’s talk about this for a second. I get asked quite a bit, What does living kindly mean? And the truth is, living kindly means something different for everyone. When I started this column two years ago, the focus was sharing my weight loss story, and how I made a pact to be […]

4 Reasons You Should Try Something New Today

I love a good routine. As I write this, I’m sitting on our back patio with a cup of coffee (steamed almond milk and a dash of honey per usual) and my laptop, having completed my skincare routine, popped my vitamins, and done a quick meditation. Just like I do every single morning. Studies have shown […]

Cooking Class with Haven’s Kitchen

When we heard that Alison Cayne of Haven’s Kitchen was going to be in town promoting her new book, we couldn’t wait to meet her in person. So when she reached out to see if we might be interested in getting together for a quick cooking class, the answer was an obvious yes. We wanted to host the […]

Why You Should Be Procrastinating More

Confession: before I sat down to write this post, I hopped up and made myself a cup of coffee. Then I posted a couple images to my Instagram stories. Just when I thought I was ready to settle in and start writing, I remembered a text message that needed a response. And finally – here we […]

Shades of the Coconut

This weekend I’m headed south to my happy place — the soft sandy beaches of Tulum. If you follow me on instagram then you already know I’m somewhat addicted to Mexico in general, and I love exploring new areas of this beautiful and mysterious country. But Tulum is a place I find myself drawn to […]

Weekend Notes

Happy weekend, friends! On Friday, my phone accidentally got run over by a car (seriously), so the last couple days have become an unintentional digital detox. I’ve got to admit, I’m thinking about making it a regular thing — it’s been so nice to not feel shackled to my phone, and to not give into […]

Weekend Notes

Happy Summer Sunday, friends! We dove headfirst in the work week after getting back from our Italy travels, and though I was so happy to be home, it was tough to get back in the swing of things work-wise. The weekend came just in the nick of time to provide us with the unscheduled carefree summer […]

The Soul Mates and the Sea

Heather and Bryant Goodman have a lot going on this year: they’re scheduled to visit eight different countries, including Jordan, Thailand, South Korea and the Philippines. Together, they’re the creative power couple behind the travel blog Our Good Adventure. (If you don’t already follow Heather on instagram, her travel photography is pretty unreal.) When they’re not […]

My June 2017 Reading List

Greetings, fellow bookworms! I’ve got some real gems for June, starting with the must-read memoir that was released today… and ending with my current read that promises to make me more self-aware. There’s also the world’s most gorgeous cookbook and a brand new issue of my favorite print mag. I’m currently in Italy soaking up some major […]