What To Do With Your Life In January
2019 YOU starts now.
2019 YOU starts now.
Not that you’re busy or anything.
Hint: it rhymes with “boat”.
It’s not ALL about shopping.
Make the most of it before it’s too late.
July in Austin is all about seeking refuge. Cold movie theaters, restaurants after dark and the always spontaneous night swim are means of survival when it comes to triple digit weather. I love this time of year for it’s slower pace and nostalgic little moments of watching bored high school kids hanging out at snow […]
I’ve always been a child of summer, so June is one of the happiest times of the year for me. Even though grown up work is year round, I still manage to get that old beginning-of-summer feeling that got me skipping as a kid. Life inevitably slows down in Austin during the summer, thanks to […]
May is Camille’s favorite month, and we tend to agree. It’s the end of the school year, the beginning of swim season, and the absolute BEST time to be outside on a patio in Austin! Between Cinco de Mayo celebrations, crawfish boils, Mother’s Day and more, we have plenty of good reasons to celebrate during […]
So long February! We’re leaving you in the dry cleaning bag (along with this year’s sweaters and coats) and not looking back. March is always an exciting time in Austin because of SXSW, when our town population actually triples for 10 days. Okay, that’s actually an unverified rumor… but I can vouch that it feels […]
Let’s face it, February can be a real drag. The cold weather never seems to end, we’re completely OVER our winter wardrobes, and (for those of us without significant others) there’s always Valentine’s Day to give it the extra ouch. That’s why we’ve put together a solid list of what to do with your life […]
Simple strategies, major transformation.
Fire up the grill.