Articles from Camille

Easy Tips for Eating More Slowly

Do you guys remember my vow to try and start eating more slowly? In the month since I wrote that post, I’ve been implementing a few changes at mealtime, so I thought it would be a good time to report back with what’s really made a difference for me. As we touched upon in the last post, […]

The Best Foundations + Tinted Moisturizers

When it comes to beauty products, are you loyal to one brand, or are you more of a serial dater? On busy mornings, I’m generally a fan of sticking to one tried-and-true skincare and makeup routine, so I’ve always been a tad obsessed with uncovering the very best in each category. Which is why I’m so pumped […]

Weekend Notes

Happy weekend! We’re enjoying a cozy one at home, since Austin’s been flooded with rain for the past week and it doesn’t appear to be letting up. That means multiple coffee refills, veggie scrambles, painting with Phoebe, a midday barre class, organizing the pantry, and researching some upcoming travel. Did I mention that I love […]

How to Make a Coconut Bowl

Do y’all know how to make those adorable coconut bowls that have been all over Pinterest this summer? I didn’t, though I’ve definitely been guilty of bringing home a couple of coconuts from the grocery store, and then realizing that I had no idea what to do with them besides bust out a hammer. #coconutfail. In today’s video, […]

Back-to-School Teacher Treats

Surely there must be some mistake. The calendar’s saying that it’s mid-August, but that would mean that summer’s coming to a close… and that couldn’t possibly be true, because it just started. Wait, didn’t it? Okay, maybe I’m in extreme denial (and yes, you have permission to join me in a few more moments of summertime bliss […]

Weekend Notes

Morning, y’all! Hope everyone’s had a lovely weekend so far. This has been the first weekend we’ve been at home in almost a month, so it feels especially blissful to just hang out with nothing on the agenda besides jumping in the pool and grilling dinner. We threw Phoebe a fourth birthday party with a […]

Let’s Be Pin Pals

Hey y’all, wanted to pop in with a fun little Pinterest update: in celebration of topping 100k followers, we decided to give our boards a little refresh and reorg, and things are looking pretty fab over there (if I do say so myself.) You guys know how much I love streamlining, so it was fun to […]

The Healthiest No-Bake Key Lime Pie

When I set out to create a healthier version of key lime pie, I had a lot of goals in mind. First, I wanted it to be no-bake, because #August. And #Texas. Which was tough, since you can’t have key lime pie without that signature graham cracker crust. Second challenge is that I wanted it to […]

August 2016

Morning y’all, happy AUGUST? (how is that possible) Today we’ve got the second installation of my What to Read, Watch, & Listen To This Month series where I basically share all the media I’m currently ingesting and loving. The past month has been a little heavy on CNN and national conventions (I’m telling you people, weirder than […]

Weekend Notes

Morning, y’all! This weekend has been a bit nuts — it started on the Texas coast for Chanel’s bachelorette party in Port Aransas, and now I’m at my next stop in San Antonio for yet another girls’ getaway that just happened to fall on the same weekend. I can’t complain, but I have a feeling that it might be tough […]

10 End of Summer Ingredients You Should Be Using

It’s that time of year when I always start to feel a little nostalgic that the  summer is passing by so quickly — and with it comes a desperation to eat as many tomatoes, peaches, and watermelon as is humanly possible while they’re still around! There are certain fruits and vegetables that are only good in […]

12 Ways to Make Greener Shopping Choices

As most of us make efforts to clean up our diets and be a little kinder to the environment in the process, it’s also important to consider the products we’re putting on our bodies and bringing into our homes. Today’s post, in partnership with Seventh Generation as part of our Living Green series, is all about the simple […]

Mango & Coconut Soba Noodle Salad

I’ve made some version of this soba noodle and mango salad for the past few summers and, without fail, people go nuts over it. Full of thai flavors like lime, peanuts and a profusion of herbs, it’s really the crunchy coconut throughout the salad that takes it over the top and makes people stop and say, […]

The Breakfast Recipe That’ll Save Your Morning

Not sure why it took me so long to hop on the overnight oats bandwagon, but now that I’ve discovered their brilliance, I’m fully hooked. For the uninitiated, making overnight oats requires little more than stirring together a few ingredients then letting them sit in the fridge overnight, and when you wake up in the morning, […]

My Favorite Poké Bowl, 2 Ways (video!)

In today’s video, I’m making one of my favorite things on the planet: a poké bowl made with ahi tuna and tons of fresh crunchy veggies. Poké bowls are pretty trendy right now, but I didn’t really discover the real deal until we went to Hawaii earlier this year and there was one on pretty much every […]

Could Eating More Slowly Change Your Life?

Do you ever feel bummed when a meal is over? That’s me about seventy-five percent of the time, partially because I’m so enthusiastic about what I’m eating that I simply never want it to end, but mostly because I ate it hurriedly and only halfway remembered to enjoy it. Does anyone else experience this? Since most of us are flying […]

Shop my Ultimate Summer Entertaining Essentials

I’m in my happy place right now. The middle of summer, when dinner parties require bare feet, tomatoes and peaches fill the kitchen countertops, and my most pressing weekend decision is between chilled rosé or a margarita (both, obvi.) When my friends at Bloglovin’ asked me to curate their newly relaunched Shop, I jumped at the chance […]

2 Sangrias to Up Your Summer Party Game

Sangria is one of my favorite summer drinks — it’s fruity and colorful and perfect for a party since you can mix up a huge batch the night before, then chill it and forget it while the fruit infuses it and makes it even more delicious while it sits. So, since pool parties are around […]