Articles from Camille

20 Best Espadrilles

I remember getting my first pair of espadrille sandals as a teenager — they were open-toed and canvas with a ropey strap that knotted around my ankle, and they likely began my lifelong love affair with shoes that make me feel like I’m headed to the beach (even though the reality is that I’m usually wearing them in an air-conditioned […]

Peach Basil Sangria

*editor’s note: As a longtime fan of the incredibly talented food blogger and author Erin Gleeson, I couldn’t be more excited to have her on the blog today sharing one of her favorite summer recipes. If you’re not already familiar with Erin’s work, prepare to become obsessed: her New York Times best selling cookbook The Forest Feast is one of my […]

Do You Always Wear Sunscreen?

The Right answer: I’m religious about slathering on my SPF 50 every day, rain or shine, regularly reapplying at 3 hour intervals and after getting out of the pool. Plus, I always wear a hat with a big brim to keep all those rays off my face! We’ve only got once chance to protect our skin, […]

Grapefruit-Jalapeño Margarita

Every year, I choose an unofficial “drink of summer” that I find myself mixing up for almost every weekend get-together at our house. The requirements for said drink are: it must be fruity, boozy, able to serve a large crowd, and most important, extremely easy to pull together since I’d rather be hanging out in the pool […]

Weekend Notes

Happy weekend, lovelies! Thanks for all the sweet birthday wishes here and on Instagram — it has been a great one! After abstaining from raw fish throughout my entire pregnancy, all I really wanted this year was an epic sushi feast — so Adam and I celebrated with our first post-baby night out on the […]

16 Best Birthday Cake Recipes

Birthday cakes are the best. Is there anything that feels – or tastes – more celebratory and indulgent than a multilayered confection topped with a crown of flickering candles? For me, they also taste like love: every year since I can remember, my mom has taken requests to make whatever cake I want, and they’ve […]

Weekend Notes

Happy long weekend, darlings! The forecast is calling for a grey, rainy Memorial Day around here, but I don’t mind: all we have on the agenda is hunkering down with our new babe, visiting with family and friends who stop by, and probably binge-ing on our latest HBO addiction, Veep. This first week with Henry has […]

10 Timesaving Post-Grocery Store Tips

For most of us, half the battle of clean eating lies is making sure that healthy food is always conveniently close at hand. Let’s face it: when we’re craving an afternoon snack, we’re probably not going to wash and cut veggies for a salad when it’s so much easier to reach for the cupcakes sitting on the counter. […]


This is the first in our brand new “Passport to” series, where one of our favorite creative people invites us along on a visual tour of a fascinating destination. Rather than travel guides, these posts are meant to be mental escapes — a rare opportunity to let your mind drift far from home and allow yourself be swept […]

Have Healthy Breakfasts Gone Too Far?

A couple of weeks ago, I had a business meeting at a coffee shop and decided to order scrambled eggs with buttered toast. Such a simple, satisfying breakfast, right? Yet while I sat eating it, I started feeling this nagging sense that maybe I should be fueling up with something a little… cleaner. Visions of kale smoothies, avocado on […]