
The Breakfast Recipe That’ll Save Your Morning

Not sure why it took me so long to hop on the overnight oats bandwagon, but now that I’ve discovered their brilliance, I’m fully hooked. For the uninitiated, making overnight oats requires little more than stirring together a few ingredients then letting them sit in the fridge overnight, and when you wake up in the morning, […]

BLT Brunch Frittata

You say “frittata,” I say “gimme”: especially when it tastes like the lovechild of a BLT and a piece of pizza (without the carbs and the gluten.) A frittata is every savvy hostess’s secret weapon when it comes to serving brunch to a crowd. A few veggies sautéed in a skillet, in go the eggs, […]

Why A Salad Is the Best Way to Start Your Day

Would you guys eat salad for breakfast? I have to admit that it’s something I would never have considered a couple years ago, but as I’ve gotten more into savory breakfasts (and started filling my smoothies with loads of spinach), suddenly the idea doesn’t seem so crazy. And there’s no doubt that starting things off […]

Strawberry Buckwheat Porridge with Cocoa Crumbles

Thanks to the arrival of summer’s heat, there’s no way I’m turning on my oven or firing up the stove. These next few months will be all about salads and smoothies (even when the AC is blasting). That’s why I love this porridge so much: it’s the summer version of your morning oatmeal, with a crunchy, chocolate-y topping. I […]

Black Sesame Banana Bread with Tahini Almond Butter

With the arrival of summer (and hello, long weekend!) the internet is ablaze with no-oven-required, outdoor-friendly recipes. And while I love a fresh-from-the-grill feast on Memorial Day just as much as the next gal, I find that my favorite long weekend-moments tend to be those that take place before the party begins. Before the hot […]

Dutch Baby Pancake

Read the full story: Entertaining with Jenni Kayne Photos by Belathée Photography; Recipe by Pamela Salzman

Passion Fruit Chia Pudding

We’re having some unseasonably cold weather here in NYC… and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who’s totally over it. Although I’m not quite ready for the humidity of summer, the bright and lovely produce of the warmer months is sounding pretty heavenly right now. In rebellion, I’m eating tropical fruit chia pudding like it’s 80 […]

Spring Onion & Feta Frittata

Spring is in the air! Or at least in my farmer’s market. Even though it has been rainy and cold here in New York, I’m relishing the greener spring vegetables finally available at the market. As it happens each season, I’m completely over all heavy, winter foods and looking forward to light and colorful meals […]

Host a Smoothie Bowl Brunch

You guys know I love my morning smoothie, but sometimes I want to start the day with something that feels a little more substantial and requires, you know, eating. Enter the smoothie bowl, a breakfast trend that I am so on board with, since it (1) allows me to pack a crazy amount of nutrients […]

10 Best Healthy Muffin Recipes

Blame it on AM puffy eyes, trying to squeeze too many activities into my morning routine, or pushing the limits of my snooze button, but making a healthy breakfast isn’t usually high on my list of priorities in the morning. In the attempt to be kinder to myself (and start following years of my mom’s advice) I’ve started […]

Lemon Breakfast Panna Cotta with Stovetop Granola

My morning routine tends to be a rushed one. As hard as I’ve tried to force myself to be an early riser, I typically find myself squeezing in every possible second of shut-eye, then hopping out of bed with just enough time shower, dress and grab breakfast to-go before heading into the office. My favorite […]

Coconut, Banana & Blueberry Baked Oatmeal

Y’all, I’ve discovered a new breakfast obsession. I’ve always been a huge oatmeal fan (I go through phases when I eat it on the daily), but only recently have I discovered the phenomenon that is baked oatmeal. Made with a bit of egg, milk, and bananas, this version is a cross between bread pudding and banana […]