
October: Playlist

Hey, dreamer! What have you been dreaming of lately? This month we are celebrating the incredible power and amazing phenomenon of dreams, and I’ve loved creating a dream-worthy playlist devoted to this theme. We often throw around the term “dream” casually…”what do you dream of, the dream job, the dream team”… but when was the […]

Here’s How to Set Yourself Up for a Stress-Free Workday

The workday is notoriously known for being…busy. Urgent emails come flying in at all times, that meeting that was supposed to be 15 mins went over by a lot, and the to-do lists seem to keep getting longer even when you’re crossing things off. Keeping this all in mind, you might think I’m crazy when […]

How This Designer Uses Social Media As a Real Reality Check

When we launched our Social Media Makeover Challenge two weeks ago, I couldn’t help but wonder, why am I just now doing this? As an editor and digitally obsessed millennial, I seem to subconsciously always have my phone in front of my face. That doesn’t go to say that I’m not the only one constantly taking a […]

Reign In the FOMO: Social Media Advice From Influencers We Love

I’m sure you can imagine the eyebrows that were raised when the idea of a social media makeover came up at our team editorial meeting a few months ago. “Isn’t that a little… hypocritical?” was the main concern (coming from a team that makes its living on digital and social content.) I think it’s safe to say […]