The Two-List Rule: A Minimalist’s Approach to Getting Your Life Together
Take back your day.
Take back your day.
Science-backed ways to reignite desire.
Brighter days ahead.
It’s easier than you think.
Clarity starts with a checklist.
Foster closeness with every word.
featured photo via hedvig jenning Lauren Zielinski is a Certified Nurse-Midwife, and the founder of a grassroots women’s health movement called New Moon Rising Events. New Moon Rising works in cities across the US to hold free, day-long workshops that foster discussion about reproductive health, political advocacy, natural medicine options, and community connections. The age […]
It’s hard to believe I’ve been running a business for 10 years. Some days I still feel like a total rookie (what’s a form 1099 again?), and then I have a coffee chat with a recent college grad or speak on a panel at Create & Cultivate, and realize that I’ve learned quite a bit […]
If looking at Instagram gives you the blues, I can tell you right now that you’re not following enough puppy accounts. Scrolling through my feed always gives me good vibes (and a lot of that is because I’m getting a daily dose of love via @interspeciesfriendship.) Scroll down to discover our ten favorite animal accounts, […]
featured image via block print social What woman doesn’t strive for organization in her life? The truth is, we just feel better when our beds are made, our homes are tidy, our errands are run, and our relationships are happy. But we only have so much bandwidth to accomplish our goals, and it’s easy to […]
featured photo via sf girl By the time y’all read this, I’ll be on a ranch in West Texas with friends (and lots of kids under the age of 5) not doing much besides watching the river go by and wondering if it’s too early to bust out the chocolate chip cookie bars. After this week, […]
Forget teenage angst, goodbye dreaded 30 — the quarter-life crisis is here and it’s so, so real. Although I remember having this exact thought when I was 25, I also remember feeling alone in thinking that this feeling was just affecting me while the majority of the population had it together. But then I was […]
photo from sassy kitchen As a cyclist who used to ride 50-100 miles every weekend, I know first-hand that how you fuel on and off the bike is key to performance and recovery. However, in the past year, I’ve swapped those weekend rides for lots of travel, filled with important meetings, speaking opportunities, and shorter […]
Most yoga classes start with a call to center your focus within the four corners of your mat. To let go of anything off the mat that isn’t serving you, and to turn your attention inwards. It turns out, that proves to be difficult when there’s a baby goat nibbling on your hair, and another […]
image by Kristen Kilpatrick Austin is without-a-doubt Instagram worthy! Wandering the city, phone in hand, snapping everything you see . . . it’s normal in these parts. No apologies necessary for shameless selfies and silly group photos, it’s expected. Austin establishments work hard to perfectly curate and style spaces and then add music and food […]
No need to spend time lurking your favorite accounts to find out where they get their inspiration — we already did the work for you. Comparison really is the death of joy. Mark Twain had it right, all those years ago. At Career Contessa, we think your social media feeds shouldn’t be about comparison. They should […]
images by kristen kilpatrick I’m naturally a creature of habit: it makes me genuinely happy to make my go-to green smoothie for breakfast, take the same route on our family’s neighborhood walk each day, and go to bed around the same time every night. And don’t even get me started on my morning coffee and […]
Editor’s Note: Andrea McAlister is an Austinite, lover of live music, and longtime friend of the blog. She dropped in to give us her best tips for surviving SXSW before hitting the streets for her twentieth year at the festival! My first SXSW was in 1998. I was lucky enough to know Brent Grulke, the […]
So long February! We’re leaving you in the dry cleaning bag (along with this year’s sweaters and coats) and not looking back. March is always an exciting time in Austin because of SXSW, when our town population actually triples for 10 days. Okay, that’s actually an unverified rumor… but I can vouch that it feels […]
featured image via belle vivir Happy weekend, friends! What are y’all up to? We’ve spent ours almost completely at home — last night was splashing around in the hot tub, grilling fish tacos, and sitting by the fire with wine until way too late. I’m headed to New York for a few days for work […]