Articles from Camille

10 Best Burger Recipes for Labor Day Weekend

It’s time to face the facts, people: summer is drawing to a close, and with it, those perfectly carefree weekends spent grilling and staying cool in a body of water. The happier news? We have one last blast for Labor Day next weekend, and (of course) I’m already planning our menu to celebrate. Since nothing feels […]

Phoebe’s Woodland Fairy Party Inspiration

Well, it’s happened: my baby girl just up and decided to turn 3! It’s bittersweet to look back at photos from when she turned 2 and realize how much she’s grown from a toddler into a little girl over the past year; one with a full-fledged personality, sense of humor, and definite opinions about everything! […]

Vegetable Rolls with Spicy Nut Sauce

Click here for more Purely Elizabeth recipes. “Vegetable rolls are so beautiful and surprisingly easy once you get the hang of the first roll. Use any combination of veggies (or fruit!) to enjoy as an appetizer or even as a refreshing lunch.” – Purely Elizabeth

Weekend Notes

Hey guys! What are y’all up to this weekend? After a really busy workweek for both Adam and me, it’s been nice to just chill the last couple of days. We got last-minute childcare for an impromptu date night on Friday (bliss!), and the rest of the weekend has been lounging in the pool with friends, […]

How to Host a #FeedSupper

A few weeks ago, we shared the highlights from the FEED Supper we threw at Josephine House… and today’s a really exciting day, because host sign-ups open up to everyone on! To get you up to speed, FEED Supper is a global grassroots dinner party series that happens between 9/16 – 10/16 with the goal of raising […]

How to Stop Being Late All the Time

I have a problem, and there’s no getting around it: lately, I’m constantly running late. Even though I don’t think that most of my friends would describe me as an especially late person, the truth is that I’m always running slightly (5 – 10 minutes) late almost everywhere I go, and the constant rushing often leaves me feeling stressed […]

Honeydew Ginger Crush

Have you ever been on vacation and had such an amazing meal that, for the rest of time, you feel transported back whenever you taste something similar? That’s what this drink does for me. A few years ago, Adam and I went to Cabo for a weekend getaway and ordered the day’s special from the poolside bar (is there […]

How to Host a Weeknight Party

Weeknights are one of my favorite times to get together with friends. Not only is it an unexpected time to have a party, but the anticipation of a social event makes a middle-of-the-week workday so much more fun! I know, I know: the thought of cooking, hosting, and cleaning up sounds like a lot to tackle after […]

Salted Watermelon Slush

Are y’all enjoying our #SipsForSummer series so far? In case you’re just tuning in, we’re teaming up this summer with some of our favorite foodies around the web to take your happy hours up a notch. And today’s colorful drink is complements of the team over at Style Me Pretty, who really brought the summertime […]

Weekend Notes

Can’t believe that August is here! This has been one of those weekends that makes me wish summer would last forever. Patio brunching with friends, swimming for hours, grilling dinner at dusk with a glass of rosé in hand… It’s definitely my favorite time of year. Although I have to admit that I did spend […]

Golden Eye Iced Coffee

There are few things in life I love more than a breakfast date, and (as you’ve probably noticed from my Instagram feed) there’s one spot in town that dominates my pre-noon rendezvous. Josephine House is a charming bungalow in Austin’s equally charming Clarksville neighborhood, and its whitewashed wood, marble countertops, breezy patio, and perfect pastries make […]

Sweet Potato, Avocado & Quinoa Bowl

If I’m eating lunch at my desk, most days it looks something like this: a healthy grain like quinoa or farro leftover from last night’s dinner, plus whatever cooked veggies I have on hand, some raw greens and usually some chopped up avocado because, let’s face it: avocado makes everything better. A sprinkle of herbs, […]

Weekend Notes

I have to admit that I’d been feeling a little “off” this week — just kind of down-in-the-dumps for no other reason than possibly hormones and tiredness. Yesterday I decided that I refused to waste a gorgeous summer Saturday by being in a bad mood, so I put my to-do list on hold and spent the day splashing […]

Spicy Paloma

Next up in our #SipsForSummer series is this to-die-for Spicy Paloma that Ashley Rose from Sugar & Cloth created. I can’t wait ’til the clock strikes 5 today so I can let get this happy hour rolling. I don’t know about you, but I’m a huge fan of cocktails with a spicy kick! Don’t miss […]

Grapefruit Thyme Fizz

*Click here to see the full “Nails & Cocktails” story! This post is brought to you by Target Style. Shop the new Beauty collection in stores and online.

Nails & Cocktails

Y’all know that I love a great summer cocktail — and who doesn’t love a bright summer mani?! – so I couldn’t have been more ready to dive into summer with Target Style for a little shindig that’s all about experimenting with some new nail colors inspired by my favorite cocktail of the season: this […]

Spill It: What’s Always In My Purse

As a naturally nosy curious person, I love those articles that show what different people always keep in their bags: I’m fascinated by the little things that they can’t travel without, and it’s always a great way to discover cool new products. Since my must-haves have evolved since I became a mom to a toddler, and then […]

5 Ways Technology Can Make You Fitter

It’s here! the much-hyped Apple Watch finally landed on my front porch 3 weeks ago, and I’ve been (mostly) wearing it ever since. It’s really my first foray into wearable technology; Adam gifted me a Fitbit for Christmas a couple years ago, and I must not have really understood the strap mechanism since it fell […]

Weekend Notes

Happy weekend, darlings! Hope yours has gotten off to a great start. I’ve taken a couple weeks off from posting our usual Weekend Notes, since frankly, time has been a precious commodity since Henry was born, and also, I’ve been making a conscious effort to set a slower pace during these summer weekends and not try to do […]