
Why You’ll Scream For Vegan Ice Cream

Finnish food bloggers Virpi Mikkonen and Tuulia Talvio know a thing or two about healthy living. In addition to creating recipes and blogging about food, Virpi is a certified health coach and Tuulia is a certified yoga instructor. But even health nuts have a sweet tooth, so to satisfy their never-ending craving for ice cream, Virpi […]

This Grain Bowl Will Save Your Lunch Hour

Would you agree that lunch is the meal where it’s easiest to get stuck in a rut? Most days I toss together a quick salad with some protein, or just mash up a sweet potato — but lately I’ve been taking just a little extra time to make a grain bowl (mostly with leftovers from the […]

Why A Salad Is the Best Way to Start Your Day

Would you guys eat salad for breakfast? I have to admit that it’s something I would never have considered a couple years ago, but as I’ve gotten more into savory breakfasts (and started filling my smoothies with loads of spinach), suddenly the idea doesn’t seem so crazy. And there’s no doubt that starting things off […]

Zucchini Lasagna With Vegan Ricotta

ed note: When my friend Jeanine first announced she was writing a cookbook based on her wildly popular food blog Love & Lemons, I knew it was destined to be a new fave. The beautiful end result features more than one hundred simple recipes that help you turn your farmers market finds into delicious meals. Today […]

Strawberry Buckwheat Porridge with Cocoa Crumbles

Thanks to the arrival of summer’s heat, there’s no way I’m turning on my oven or firing up the stove. These next few months will be all about salads and smoothies (even when the AC is blasting). That’s why I love this porridge so much: it’s the summer version of your morning oatmeal, with a crunchy, chocolate-y topping. I […]

Black Sesame Banana Bread with Tahini Almond Butter

With the arrival of summer (and hello, long weekend!) the internet is ablaze with no-oven-required, outdoor-friendly recipes. And while I love a fresh-from-the-grill feast on Memorial Day just as much as the next gal, I find that my favorite long weekend-moments tend to be those that take place before the party begins. Before the hot […]

Almond-Mint Pesto Pasta

A few years ago, I went to a weeklong “bootcamp” at the Culinary Institute in Napa Valley (if you ever get the chance, it’s truly a bucket list experience.) While I was there, our instructor Chef John Ash demo’d how to make the best pesto ever, and I’ve been using his tips ever since. There […]

Passion Fruit Chia Pudding

We’re having some unseasonably cold weather here in NYC… and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who’s totally over it. Although I’m not quite ready for the humidity of summer, the bright and lovely produce of the warmer months is sounding pretty heavenly right now. In rebellion, I’m eating tropical fruit chia pudding like it’s 80 […]

Mexican Street Corn Salad

Happy Monday! We’re kicking off the week with a, well, major kick. Do y’all remember my Mexican Street Corn that I posted a couple years back? It’s a classic at our house every summer, and to me, the recipe is perfection. With one caveat, that is: everyone ends up with aioli on their fingers and corn in their teeth […]

Lemon Breakfast Panna Cotta with Stovetop Granola

My morning routine tends to be a rushed one. As hard as I’ve tried to force myself to be an early riser, I typically find myself squeezing in every possible second of shut-eye, then hopping out of bed with just enough time shower, dress and grab breakfast to-go before heading into the office. My favorite […]

How to Make Your Own Ricotta

I know what you may be thinking: homemade ricotta sounds like one of those things (along with handmade pasta and sourdough bread) that would be nice to make yourself – if you also had time to spend a week in a cabin in the woods foraging for your own meals. But stay with me, because […]